Since I almost forgot…
If anyone is planning on taking the #JLPT in Japan in December, the registration deadline is Thursday, September 14!
Depuis la semaine dernière, les inscriptions à la session du JLPT de décembre 2023 sont ouvertes pour Paris. Les inscriptions se terminent le 2 octobre.
Bonne chance à tous !
#Japon #Japonais #JLPT #Inalco #examens #日本語 #日本語能力試験 #パリ #フランス
#japon #japonais #JLPT #inalco #examens #日本語 #日本語能力試験 #パリ #フランス
The JLPT is less than three weeks away! 😱
To help you study, all purchases in Nihongo Lessons are 30% off until test day! 🤩
Vocabulary, grammar, and writing lessons for beginner to advanced learners.
Der JLPT Test findet in knapp 2 Monaten statt. Ich werde zwar nicht dran Teil nehmen, aber den Test zuhause machen. Somit fängt für mich nun die Zeit des intensiven Lernens an. Das Nihongo also matome soll einen in 6 Wochen auf den Test vorbereiten.
Lasst uns beginnen 😊
#japanisch #japan #JLPT #test #lernen
Learn all 126 JLPT N5 verbs in 60 minutes with the help of Japanese videogames!
#japanese #jlpt #gaming
Big congratulations to everyone getting their #JLPT results today! Remember; a pass is a pass! 🎉
It’s #JLPT celebration #teatime! Kirin Gogo no kōcha Straight Tea (Dimbula tea) + Lawson Uchi Café strawberry tiramisù. (@ ローソン・ポプラ 岡山岡工前店 in 岡山市, 岡山県)
Mein Ziel fuer dieses Jahr ist der #JLPT Japanese-Language Proficiency Test N4 und N3.
Japanisch kann ich zwar sprechen und schreiben auf dem Computer, aber Kanji lesen und schreiben auf Papier ist ein grosser Schwachpunkt ... 頑張ります
Yesterday I had the crazy thought of attempting the #JLPT N2 next year - even though I’ve only been #learningjapanese for the past 4 months at my own pace, more like a hobby. What’s encouraging is there are quite a lot of resources in #malaysia and the exams aren’t too expensive in our currency. Hmmm if I do end up going forward with this, where should I start? 😂 I’d say my strongest to my weakest points are: kanji, reading, grammar and listening.
#languagelearning #langtoot #japanese #language
#JLPT #learningjapanese #malaysia #languagelearning #langtoot #japanese #language
In honor of the #JLPT this weekend, Gaijin Mommy Stop Motion Pictures presents the semi-educational short film: “Japanese Words That Sound Like Food But Are Not Food!” #日本語能力試験
Next Sunday is the #JLPT. I will miss an event at my son’s kindergarten. Sad.
RT @BunproSRS
Cramming for the JLPT? Supercharge it with our new Cram 2.0 🚀
#JLPT #日本語 #勉強
There once was a test we want to achieve
And the name of the test was the JLPT
Its kanjis hard, its vocabs bold
The motivation low
Soon may the Sensei come
Who leads us into the language's sun
One day when the study is gone
We'll take our test and go
I’m not only running the #Japanese #bookclub at my university, I’ve also created the website with all Japanese reading resources I gathered over the last 2 years.
I noticed that a big issue for learners was finding the right text, book or #manga for their abilities, so everything is listed by #JLPT level and I comment on #furigana, grammar and the range of vocabulary in my #bookreview s.
#ExtensiveReading #tadoku #多読 #japanischeBücher #japaneseBooks
#japanese #bookclub #manga #JLPT #furigana #bookreview #ExtensiveReading #tadoku #多読 #japanischebücher #japaneseBooks