Mathematicians, Hopeful and Hurting. This is a #human story about living as a #mathematician today.
Ongoing tensions over how the #math community fosters—or fails to foster—a #diverse community
loom large. Reporting for @insidehighered from the #jmm2023
#JMM2023 #diverse #math #mathematician #human
Had an awesome time at my first #jmm ... so many great talks, and got to meet a lot of new folks. 5 stars ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ , would do again!
Special thanks to organizers of the Computational Biomedicine session. Great session!
#jmm2023 #mathbio #computationalchemistry
#computationalchemistry #mathbio #JMM2023 #JMM
Jeremy Avigad's invited ASL address at #JMM2023: "Mathematics and computer science need each other. Mathematics needs the relevance, and computer science needs the soul."
I was so honored to be one of the mathematicians the Association for Women in Mathematics honored in this deck of playing cards. I attended the meeting to collect it, #JMM2023 and play the game, in person!
I wrote a thread on the bird app about an issue I found very concerning at the #JMM2023 ... People who gave two, three, and even more talks at the JMM:
saw many old friends and made some new ones at #jmm2023 -- hope to attend again next year 🙂
now it is time to return home!
Okay, I’ll admit it…I have artwork at #JMM2023…and I may have had reasons for pointing you towards the calendars 😁.
“Grading students makes me feel like I have too much power.”
— @DrClaireJanelle at #JMM2023 #ProjectNExT “Have grades failed us?” session
Day 3 of #JMM2023: say hi to Apostolos Damialis (Editorial Director) at our booth and learn more about our books and journals publishing programme – including our fair and sustainable #OpenAccess model #SubscribeToOpen! 🔓 #s2o
#s2o #subscribetoopen #openaccess #JMM2023
Hi people at #JMM2023, if you are into mathart and you are near the AMS booth it might be worth checking to see if they are giving out this year’s Calendar of Mathematical Imagery. I am not sure if they are doing it, but I have heard that it is a possibility.
How lovely to present with,, Lakeshia Jones, & John Nardo, at the Meetings in Boston. #JMM2023 It was inspiring to hear these mathematicians talk about the ways they let all students know they are
Math folks at #JMM2023! Looking for something to do this afternoon? The Polymath Jr. session will have 4 hrs of research talks by participants and then a panel discussion starting at 1:00, Room 110. Find out about the coolest virtual REU around!
My two sculptures are in the #jmm2023 art exhibition. Excited to be a part of it and see so many people I know.
During his awesome talk on math communication at #JMM2023, Grant Sanderson (@3blue1brown) argued that we should not throw away notions of pedagogical clarity when aiming for a rigorous exposition of our work... Indeed, we need to be careful when and how to prioritize these notions if we want to maintain quality communication with whoever our audience happens to be (fellow researchers, students, and/or general public).
Come visit our booth at the Joint Mathematics Meeting in Boston this week and speak to our Editorial Director Apostolos Damialis! @EuroMathSoc #JMM2023
#ThrowbackThursday #JMM - my photos from Thursday, Jan. 16, 2014, at the Joint #Math Meetings in Baltimore. (I'm not going to #JMM2023 )
#JMM2023 #math #JMM #throwbackthursday
This piece pays homage to Julia Robinson (1919–1985). Her work was a critical component in solving (negatively) Hilbert's tenth problem—seventy years after it was proposed. The use of the X symbol celebrates her work on Hilbert's tenth problem and the common use of the X symbol for an unknown variable.
Now on display at the #JMM2023 art exhibition along with many other interesting art pieces.