I would add:
Someone who's a lot of fun, but with connotations of wildness and irresponsibility. Naughty like a child rather than staid like a grown-up.
But thank you for this thread, it's very well-observed and remarkably helpful! People don't speak this way at all nowadays!
#introduction time!
I’ve a Bump of Curiosity akin to the Elephant's Child; "I wonder" should be my motto. Like to try my hand at new things (w/ varying success, but it's fun & I learn lots)
Love #cats, #corvids, #bats & most critters.
Interests (incomplete list): #Handweaving #Handspinning #Beadwork #Wirework #BobbinLace #Photography #Books #JRRT #Tolkien #JaneAusten #GeorgetteHeyer #DorothyLSayers #Music #Beatles #Mozart #Haydn #Movies #MCU #Leverage #StarWars
Day job: construction mgmt
#introduction #cats #corvids #bats #handweaving #handspinning #beadwork #wirework #bobbinlace #photography #books #JRRT #tolkien #janeausten #GeorgetteHeyer #dorothylsayers #music #beatles #mozart #haydn #movies #mcu #leverage #starwars
From 2. to 04.06.2023 are Tolkien Days in Geldern. Europe's biggest Middle-Earth-Festival! Good food, exciting craftsmanship, first-class costume groups, dealers, lectures, bands, children's program, artists, exhibitions, open-air-cinema and shows. 10,000 visitors and your favorite heroes from Tolkien's books.
#tolkiendays #tolkienfans #silmarillion #lordoftherings #lotrcosplay #orcs #hobbitcosplay #hobbit #tolkientag #hobbit #tolkienbooks #geldern #cosplay #middleearth #mittelerde #jrrt
#tolkiendays #tolkienfans #silmarillion #lordoftherings #lotrcosplay #orcs #hobbitcosplay #hobbit #tolkientag #tolkienbooks #Geldern #cosplay #middleearth #mittelerde #JRRT
Willkommen auf unserem Kanal. Wir sind der Tolkien Stammtisch am Niederrhein (Geldern) der Deutschen Tolkien Gesellschaft e.V. und organisieren unter anderem die Tolkien Tage am Niederrhein.
Infos unter www.tolkientage.de
#Tolkien #TolkienTage #HerrderRinge #Hobbit #Silmarillion #JRRT #jrrtolkien #lordoftherings #dieringedermacht #tolkienstammtisch
#tolkien #TolkienTage #HerrderRinge #hobbit #silmarillion #JRRT #jrrtolkien #lordoftherings #dieringedermacht #tolkienstammtisch