RT @jonsneyers@twitter.com
I wrote a blog post to give an overview/comparison of the next-gen image codecs #JXL, #AVIF, #WebP, predicting once again the end of the #JPEG, but this time for real (I hope).
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jonsneyers/status/1363889625702543367
RT @jonsneyers@twitter.com
Lossless image compression: besides the very slow experimental compressors LEA and EMMA, #JPEGXL beats anything else by a comfortable margin. Well-optimized PNG is 33% to 66% larger than #JXL. Not so well-optimized PNGs in the wild (not shown here) are ~50% to 100% larger.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jonsneyers/status/1346389917816008704