@dino 0.4.3 just got released with some exciting improvements for #LinuxMobile
1. Several fixes for touch input, making audio/video calls actually usable on phones
2. Fixes for video support so devices with #libcamera / #pipewire support like the #PinePhonePro work now
3. The app is now recognized as mobile friendly on #Phosh
4. Stricter #Flatpak sandbox - no device/all any more
The new version is available on #Flathub and lots of distro repos.
#LinuxMobile #libcamera #PipeWire #PinePhonePro #phosh #Flatpak #flathub #GNOME #XMPP #Jabber
@Optimus @kuketzblog Interessanterweise sind da 3 #MultiVendor / #MultiProvider -Standards bei:
- #XMPP / #Jabber
- #eMail (#IMAP+#SMTP) [siehe #DeltaChat]
- #Tox
Ich selbst präferiere #XMPP+#OMEMO für individiuelle und #Zulip für Organisationen, weil letzteres sowohl #SelfHosting als auch #Compliance mit #GoBD & #HGB kann...
#HGB #gobd #compliance #SelfHosting #zulip #omemo #tox #DeltaChat #smtp #imap #Email #Jabber #XMPP #MultiProvider #multivendor
#Facebook #Meta пилит децентрализованного #twitter конкурента — #P92 . Вероятно, с #ActivityPub
И бывший руководитель птички/Google привлек 1М для такой же задачи.
Не выйдет ли с ActivityPub как и с XMMP? Когда Google Hangouts сначала поддерживал #Jabber затем переманил пользователей, а потом прекратил поддержку. 🤔 Или Феди на пользу пойдёт?
#p2p #facebook #meta #twitter #p92 #activitypub #Jabber
I'm sorry #XMPP fans, but I first used #Jabber like 20 years ago, and the user experience is still just as bad and confusing.
The usability and learnability of @matrix is far above and beyond in every way.
Yes, #Matrix has a lot of performance improvements still needed, but the two just can't compare. And yes, I self-host both of them.
#Matrix #Jabber #XMPP #unpopularopinion
Once again XMPP is trending at Mastodon. This new post above matches the today's hashtags of #Jabber, #Conversations, and #Movim. Let's chat at XMPP, friends!
Where to register a free #XMPP account?
Sharing is very appreciated.
:verified: Movim https://movim.eu
I recommend #Movim for new users. Other choices:
👉 Disroot https://disroot.org
👉 E2E https://e2e.ee/en
👉 Four O Four https://404.city
👉 Nixnet https://nixnet.services
👉 Jabbim https://www.jabbim.com
👉 LibreOps https://libreops.cc
👉 Xabber https://xabber.com
👉 XMPP Japan https://www.xmpp.jp
#Conversations #Jabber #Movim #XMPP
Um meine Frage (teilweise) selber zu beantworten: es sieht mau aus. #Monal, #ChatSecure und #Siskin sind die üblichen Verdächtigen. Alle haben ihre Schwächen, z.B. fehlerhaftes oder unvollständiges #OMEMO, von #VoIP ganz zu schweigen.
Ich bin nicht der einzige, der nach anständigen #Jabber-Klienten für iOS fragt: https://social.firc.de/objects/e8854cd5-bb3e-48c3-91ba-a6d62c59f723
#Jabber #voip #omemo #siskin #chatsecure #monal
RT @heiseonline@twitter.com
Conversations: Open-Source-Messenger mit Audio- und Videoanruf https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Conversations-Open-Source-Messenger-mit-Audio-und-Videoanruf-4711187.html #Conversations #Jabber
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/heiseonline/status/1255131188772999170