[2006] Lead Balloon - Rick Spleen is a world-weary comedian who ends up doing far too many corporate jobs to pay the bills. Starring Jack Dee, Raquel Cassidy, Sean Power, Anna Crilly and Tony Gardner. First episode.
#OldBritishTelly #leadballoon #JackDee #annacrilly
[1996] Jack and Jeremy's Real Lives - Collection of mockumentaries written by and starring Jack Dee and Jeremy Hardy. First episode: A day in the life of aristocratic brothers has them solving a murder, attending a black magic ritual and visiting some poor people.
#OldBritishTelly #jeremyhardy #JackDee
[1993 - 2011] Shooting Stars - Compilation of Vic Reeves' "With your face like a..." put-downs to Jack Dee. "Jack, with your face like a crate full of rotten memories… Like a bankrupt pug… Like a knackered puffin… Like a gloomy Welsh monument… Like a mourning turtle… Like a neglected radish…" etc.
#OldBritishTelly #ShootingStars #JackDee