@gadgetoid@fosstodon.org @gadgetoid@mastodon.gadgetoid.com Don't blame me! Blame #Jackery! They didn't list this as a "gotcha" when I bought the panels with the unit. I just figured I'd buy huge clear garbage bags and wrap them if I need to mount them that way. ps: they advertise these as great for camping, too! (right! NOT!)
"JVC Powered by Jackery" éć® #ćć¼ćæćć«é»ęŗ ćÆ #Jackery ć§ćÆćŖć #JVCć±ć³ć¦ćć ć®ę±ćć ćććå¦åć«å°ćć®ć§č²·ććŖćę¹ććććć£ć¦ććØć£ć½ćć
ćē¹éććęę°ēćäøč¦ć«ćŖć£ćć¢ćć¤ć«ććććŖććć¼ćæćć«é»ęŗćć©ććć£ć¦å¦åććļ¼ - PC Watch https://pc.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/topic/feature/1485197.html
#JVCć±ć³ć¦ćć #Jackery #ćć¼ćæćć«é»ęŗ
Jackery's new power station fully charges in just 1.8 hours using solar power
#Accessories #Jackery #News