I like to listen to long-form video essays on YouTube while I'm doing jobs around the house. But Christ Almighty, the frequency of the ads lately has made it all but unbearable, so I've been using Nebula. I've been subscribing to it for a couple of years. It's run by and for creators, and it really shows. Here's the story of how they got started.
#Wendover #PhilosophyTube #NotJustBikes, #AnswersWithJoe, #JacobGeller #LindsayEllis #PhilosophyTube #TomNicholas
#wendover #philosophytube #NotJustBikes #answerswithjoe #JacobGeller #lindsayellis #tomnicholas
Games, Schools, and Worlds Designed for Violence by Jacob Geller
The False Evolution of Execution Methods
#news #politics #history #essay #JacobGeller
Not what I expected from Bernie but I like it.
I have not played many games this year. I want to catch up, though
Jacob Geller: The Top Ten Games of 2022
#JacobGeller #gaming #2022