I've been getting good recommendations of fantasy books where the cosmogony is central to the story. Here's some of what I've gotten so far:
The Silmarillion by JRR Tolkien
Always Coming Home by Ursula K Le Guin
The Raven Tower by Ann Leckie
The Kushiel Series by Jacqueline Carey
Discworld by Terry Pratchett
The Black Jewels Series by Ann Bishop
Immortal Guardian Series by Diane Duvalls
Broken Earth Trilogy by NK Jemisin
Any other suggestions for me?
#fantasy #bookstodon #cosmogony #books #UrsulaKLeGuin #JRRTolkien #AnnLeckie #JacquelineCarey #TerryPratchett #AnnBishop #DianeDuvalls #NKJemisin
#nkjemisin #DianeDuvalls #AnnBishop #terrypratchett #JacquelineCarey #annleckie #jrrtolkien #ursulakleguin #books #cosmogony #bookstodon #fantasy
Hello 👋
As my first post I thought I'd join in with listing my seven favourite authors #boostodon ✨
& also because I can't pick just seven...
sorry for cheating!
#boostodon #robinhobb #seananmcguire #ilonaandrews #NEDavenport #SarahJMaas #KSVilloso #BoluBabalola #JacquelineCarey #JulietMarillier #guygavrielkay #FreyaMarkse