There are many things to enjoy in the classic "M. Hulot's Holiday," but one bit I never tire of is the way music playing/listening (and the 78s and phonographs that enable it) figures so strongly in the film's joy.
#music #JacquesTati #Hulot #phonographs #78RPM #joy
#music #JacquesTati #hulot #phonographs #78rpm #joy
Looking for the illustrator of this cover. It's the Dutch edition of the novel by J-C Carrière but inside it mentions 'all illustrations by Pierre Etaix'. This does not look like an Etaix drawing to me, at all. (the ones inside yes) Anyone have a clue? Publisher De Fontein, Utrecht..
#books #jacquestati #mrhulot #illustration #JeanClaudeCarriere #novel #pipe #monsieurhulot
#monsieurhulot #pipe #novel #JeanClaudeCarriere #illustration #mrhulot #JacquesTati #books
"Demandez-vous d'où vient, à la fin des Vacances de Monsieur Hulot, cette grande tristesse, ce désenchantement démesuré, et vous découvrirez peut-être que c'est du silence. Tout au long du film, les cris des enfants qui jouent accompagnent inévitablement les vues de la plage, et pour la première fois leur silence signifie la fin des vacances."
André Bazin, 1953
#cinema #jacquestati #lesvacancesdemrhulot #vacances #holiday #europeancinema #france #andrebazin #film
#film #andrebazin #france #europeancinema #holiday #vacances #lesvacancesdemrhulot #JacquesTati #cinema
#JacquesTati accepts his #Oscar for best foreign language picture, awarded to him for the film "Mon Oncle" (My Uncle) in Hollywood, Calif., on April 1, 1959. The presenters are actor #RobertStack and dancer #cydcharisse (AP Photo) / SF
#cydcharisse #robertstack #oscar #JacquesTati
#jacquestati bij den Ikea 🎥
Jacques Tati by Robert Doisneau (1949)
#bicycle #cinema #actor #director #photography #robertdoisneau
#robertdoisneau #photography #director #actor #cinema #bicycle #JacquesTati
1 van m’n filmgroepen die dit jaar zowat 12 oud is. Astemblief! Welkom!
#jacquestati #cinema #join
#kerstmis #belgium #art #JacquesTati #illustration #card #xmas #mrhulot #tomschamp
"La vie, c’est très drôle, si on prend le temps de regarder" Jacques Tati
(Life is very funny, if you take time to watch it)
Stills uit Les vacances de monsieur Hulot, 1953.
#jacquestati #hulot #cinema #holiday #movies #frenchcinema #life #comedy
#comedy #life #frenchcinema #movies #holiday #cinema #hulot #JacquesTati
1956 Chevrolet Bel Air in Mon oncle, 1958
#cars #oldtimers #mononcle #chevrolet #fifties #jacquestati #oldcars #movies #cinema #comedy #poster #film #auto
#Auto #film #poster #comedy #cinema #movies #oldcars #JacquesTati #fifties #chevrolet #mononcle #oldtimers #cars
1956 Chevrolet Bel Air in Mon oncle, 1958
#cars #oldtimers #mononcle #chevrolet #fifties #jacquestati #oldcars #movies #cinema #comedy
#comedy #cinema #movies #oldcars #JacquesTati #fifties #chevrolet #mononcle #oldtimers #cars
Tati sans Tativille...
(c) Gragnon / Paris-Match
#film #disaster #jacquestati #moviesets #MovieHistory #playtime #tativille #photography #parismatch
#parismatch #photography #tativille #playtime #MovieHistory #moviesets #JacquesTati #disaster #film
#Playtime by #jacquestati on spot 23 at the best #movies of all time #bfi #sightandsound.
C'est fanTAsTIque!
In 2012 the French #film landed on spot 43.
So in 2032 it will be ranked number 3! It’s only logical!
#barbaradennek #europeancinema #stills #poll #mustsee
#mustsee #poll #Stills #europeancinema #barbaradennek #film #sightandsound #bfi #movies #JacquesTati #playtime
Finally some well-deserved attention for #ChantalAkerman ... and #Playtime on spot 23.
C'est fanTAsTIque!
How many have you seen? #bfi #sightandsound #cinema #thebest #jeannedielman #jacquestati
#JacquesTati #jeannedielman #thebest #cinema #sightandsound #bfi #playtime #ChantalAkerman