Gudas’ Maple Leafs Snub: The Bigger Picture
When a player signs up to play in Toronto, being in the NHL becomes more than just about playing the game on the ice. It also becomes about the media spotlight (and pressure) that shines on players - daily. Earlier this week, 33-year-old Czech defenseman Radko Gudas recen...
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#TorontoMapleLeafs #JakeGardiner #JustinHoll #RadkoGudas
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#torontomapleleafs #JakeGardiner #JustinHoll #RadkoGudas #nhl #hockey
Ex-Maple Leafs’ Defenseman Jake Gardiner: Where Is He Now?
Jake Gardiner was one of the most polarizing defensemen in recent Toronto Maple Leafs’ history. On one hand, many Maple Leafs’ fans saw his great talent and appreciated his offensive acumen. On the other hand, Gardiner ...
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#TorontoMapleLeafs #FrancoisBeauchemin #JakeGardiner #JoffreyLupul #MorganRielly
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Maple Leafs’ Holl Getting the Jake Gardiner Treatment
For starters, I have been one of the biggest critics of Toronto Maple Leafs’ defenceman Justin Holl for the past couple of seasons. Right along with a number of members of Leafs Nation, questions have been raised about his spot in the lineup, why the Maple Leafs kept...
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