The only ship worth shipping is Spideres (Peter B. Parker and Miles Morales) from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. #SpiderMan #IntotheSpiderVerse #SMITSV #PeterBParker #JakeJohnson #MilesMorales #ShameikMoore
#spiderman #intothespiderverse #smitsv #peterbparker #JakeJohnson #milesmorales #shameikmoore
We all agree Lowica (Lowery and Erica Brand) is the classiest ship from Jurassic Park. #JurassicPark #Lowery #JakeJohnson #EricaBrand #AnnaTalakkottur
#jurassicpark #lowery #JakeJohnson #ericabrand #annatalakkottur
> .. governments have a fundamental choice in how to respond to the intertwined emergencies of an ongoing pandemic, war in Eastern Europe, supply chain disruptions, energy market chaos, high inflation, and worsening costs-of-living crises, which are fueling #MassUprisings around the world as they threaten to push tens of millions more into #poverty.
#JakeJohnson #TaxPolicy #MultiNationals #governments #Inflation
/ht @JayatiGhosh
#inflation #governments #multinationals #taxpolicy #JakeJohnson #poverty #MassUprisings