Update on previous post on #BreakingNews frmr Suffolk County NY Police Chief and corrupt convict linked to Gilgo murders #JamesBurke #arrested AGAIN today in a Brookhaven Park for offering a lewd sex act with additional charges pending. Read the book about this guy it's terrible.
#arrested #JamesBurke #breakingnews
Update on previous post on #BreakingNews frmr Suffolk County NY Police Chief and corrupt convict linked to Gilgo murders #JamesBurke #arrested AGAIN today in a Brookhaven Park for offering a lewd sex act.
#arrested #JamesBurke #breakingnews
#JamesBurke #connections #Science #TV
@oldbritishtelly #JamesBurke was never off the telly in those days. Amazing to see how the future was presented on these shows
[1971] Tomorrow's World - James Burke reports on the latest developments in fibre optics production and use. Fibre optics are hair thin glass rods which can carry electric light and are less limited in use than conventional light bulbs. But just what can these miracles of modern science be used for?
#OldBritishTelly #TomorrowsWorld #JamesBurke
Why do I try and restrict the data I give away?
Oh, I don't know. Maybe because I watched James Burke - Connections back when I was a kid and some of it sunk in.
James Burke - Connections - The Wheel of Fortune (clip).
#JamesBurke #connections #technology #infosec
[1991] Masters of Illusion- This documentary hosted by James Burke is a fascinating examination of the concept of how we see things, specifically how images that appear to our eyes to be three-dimensional are rendered convincingly on flat surfaces. Starting out in a movie studio special effects lab, Burke explains how visual illusions practiced today actually began during the Renaissance.
If you haven't already I highly recommend watching the TV series #connections by #JamesBurke. Fascinating stuff.
If anyone has any similar TV shows please let me know, I love things like this.
@Richard_Littler @scarfolk - this is straight out of #Scarfolk - including the slighty chipper / sinister voice over from #JamesBurke and great bleached out 16mm film aesthetic, alongside casual sexism, dodgy motors and abundant cigarettes #hacking1972style #BBCarchive #infosec #hustling
"Don't make it easy to get past the receptionist" "Double check on anybody who does anything out of the ordinary"
#scarfolk #JamesBurke #hacking1972style #bbcarchive #infosec #hustling
The greatest shot in #television
#JamesBurke #Connections #NASA #Rocket #Rocketry #Spaceflight #RocketLaunch #RocketEngine #PerfectTiming #Timing
#timing #perfecttiming #rocketengine #rocketlaunch #spaceflight #rocketry #rocket #nasa #connections #JamesBurke #television
[1978] Connections - Clip of James Burke presenting the single greatest timed shot in television history.
#OldBritishTelly #JamesBurke #connections
#TomorrowsWorld - Office of the #Future 16 April 1969 - #BBC
#JamesBurke #TheOffice #OfficeTechnology #Technology #Futurology
#futurology #technology #OfficeTechnology #theoffice #JamesBurke #bbc #future #TomorrowsWorld
#JamesBurke's amazing Connections series from 1978 is on archive.org. https://archive.org/search.php?query=subject%3A%22james%20burke%22%20subject%3A%22connections%22
I don't know if these are legal viewing or not. But I actually already own the series – on VHS tapes. It really was so good I went out of my way to order a set (very expensive at the time) after seeing it in the early 1980s on PBS.
Everyone should watch these to get just the barest glimpse of how history and technology are deeply intertwined.