Redoing my old intro post, because lots of new followers and so forth. Thank you to everyone.
A few tags of things that interest me.
#Humour #Funny #Sarcasm #Comedy #StandUp #Innuendo #UnintendedInnuendo #StarWars #StarTrek #Firefly #Farscape #FinalSpace #SciFi #Fantasy #Tolkien #TerryPratchett #Discworld #TheExpanse #JamesCorey #Grunge #80s #90s #ISwearALot #Fuck #Dogs #Smuturday #RockMusic
#80sMusic #90sMusic
#Technology #Equality
#HumanRights #Disabilities
#humour #funny #sarcasm #comedy #standup #innuendo #unintendedinnuendo #starwars #startrek #firefly #farscape #FinalSpace #scifi #fantasy #tolkien #terrypratchett #discworld #theexpanse #JamesCorey #grunge #80s #90s #ISwearALot #fuck #dogs #smuturday #rockmusic #80smusic #90sMusic #technology #equality #humanrights #disabilities #HighfunctioningAutism
I;ve read that if you want to be able to make better connections with others, you should make a post and fill it with hashtags, so that it's searchable... OK, here goes.
#Humour #Funny #Sarcasm #Innuendo #UnintendedInnuendo #TottenhamHostspur #LiverpoolFC #StarWars #StarTrek #Firefly #Farscape #FinalSpace #SciFi #Fantasy #Tolkien #TerryPratchett #Discworld #TheExpanse #JamesCorey #Grunge #80s #90s #ISwearALot #Fuck #Dogs #Smuturday
That's a start for now I think.
#humour #funny #sarcasm #innuendo #unintendedinnuendo #TottenhamHostspur #liverpoolfc #starwars #startrek #firefly #farscape #FinalSpace #scifi #fantasy #tolkien #terrypratchett #discworld #theexpanse #JamesCorey #grunge #80s #90s #ISwearALot #fuck #dogs #smuturday
So Band zwei konnte auch noch flott nachbestellt werden bei Hugendubel und wurde heute sogar schon in die Filiale gebracht. Jetzt habe ich auf jeden Fall erstmal wieder genug zu lesen und kann die Story aus den Büchern nachholen zur Serie.
#theexpanse #AmazonSeries #JamesCorey #CalibansKrieg #Heyne
Soo kleiner Einkauf, 2 neue Bücher und ein neues #NintendoSwitch Spiel.
#LeviathanFällt #leviathanfalls #Serie #TheExpanse #InterSpaceOne #JamesCorey #AndreasSuchanek #Heyne #Piper #GeorgeRRMartin #BravelydefaulII #squareenix
#nintendoswitch #LeviathanFällt #leviathanfalls #Serie #theexpanse #InterSpaceOne #JamesCorey #AndreasSuchanek #Heyne #Piper #GeorgeRRMartin #BravelydefaulII #squareenix