π #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #EssentialClassics
Ivor Gurney, James Gilchrist, Anna Tilbrook & Fitzwilliam String Quartet:
π΅ Far in a Western Brookland (Ludlow and Teme)
#IvorGurney #JamesGilchrist #AnnaTilbrook #FitzwilliamStringQuartet
#nowplaying #EssentialClassics #ivorgurney #JamesGilchrist #annatilbrook #fitzwilliamstringquartet
π #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ComposerOfTheWeek #COTW
Arthur Sullivan, James Gilchrist, Neal Davies, Donald Maxwell, BBC National Orchestra of Wales & Richard Hickox:
π΅ Cox and Box (excerpts)
#ArthurSullivan #JamesGilchrist #NealDavies #DonaldMaxwell #RichardHickox
#nowplaying #ComposerOfTheWeek #cotw #ArthurSullivan #JamesGilchrist #nealdavies #donaldmaxwell #RichardHickox
π #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
Muriel Herbert, David Owen Norris, Robert Herrick & James Gilchrist:
π΅ Loveliest of trees
#MurielHerbert #DavidOwenNorris #RobertHerrick #JamesGilchrist
#nowplaying #breakfast #MurielHerbert #davidowennorris #RobertHerrick #JamesGilchrist
π #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
Muriel Herbert, James Gilchrist & David Owen Norris:
π΅ Loveliest of trees
#nowplaying #breakfast #MurielHerbert #JamesGilchrist #davidowennorris
Looking frwd to it! We'll feature Ludwig Senffl's autobiographical song 'Lust hab ich ghabt zur Musica' which gives rare insights into music learning in early 16th cent. & the verse initial acrostics spell out his name
RT @Linarolconsort
Due to high demand, the pre-concert talk with the marvellous Prof Henrike LΓ€hnemann & #jamesgilchrist on 7th March will now take place in the Holywell Music Room. πΆ
β±Time is unchanged 5.55pm-6.β¦
π #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #EssentialClassics
Percy Grainger, James Gilchrist, oyal Northern College of Music Wind Orchestra & Timothy Reynish:
π΅ Bell Piece
#PercyGrainger #JamesGilchrist #oyalNorthernCollegeofMusicWindOrchestra #TimothyReynish
#nowplaying #EssentialClassics #PercyGrainger #JamesGilchrist #oyalnortherncollegeofmusicwindorchestra #TimothyReynish
π #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
Muriel Herbert, Thomas Hardy, James Gilchrist & David Owen Norris:
π΅ Faint heart in a railway train
#MurielHerbert #ThomasHardy #JamesGilchrist #DavidOwenNorris
#nowplaying #breakfast #MurielHerbert #thomashardy #JamesGilchrist #davidowennorris #BBC3MusicBot
π #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #EssentialClassics
Benjamin Britten, Colin Matthews, James Gilchrist, Jasper de Waal, Amsterdam Sinfonietta & Candida Thompson:
π΅ Now sleeps the crimson petal
#BenjaminBritten #ColinMatthews #JamesGilchrist #JasperdeWaal #AmsterdamSinfonietta
#nowplaying #EssentialClassics #benjaminbritten #ColinMatthews #JamesGilchrist #jasperdewaal #amsterdamsinfonietta #BBC3MusicBot
π #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ComposerOfTheWeek #COTW
Doreen Carwithen, Nathan Williamson & James Gilchrist:
π΅ Echo (Who called?)
#DoreenCarwithen #NathanWilliamson #JamesGilchrist
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#nowplaying #ComposerOfTheWeek #cotw #DoreenCarwithen #NathanWilliamson #JamesGilchrist