This meme is actually based on my most recent blog post. And a photo of the Reclining Buddha that I took in Thailand.
..."It's abuse.
Abuse of human rights. Abuse of our shared resources. Abuse of power, for profit and more power.
Call it Capitalism. Call it anything you want to, to justify it in your conscience"...
Read the rest on my website: (very quick read)
#memes2023 #memes #jamiegray #original #blogpost #blog #cc
#memes2023 #memes #JamieGray #original #blogpost #blog #cc
Wrote this the other day...
Rationality | by Jamie Gray
"If you look at American politics right now, you don’t see much of it. No, you mostly see two heavily armed camps, ready to flirt with disaster, risking all of our futures to achieve some set of higher principles that, if left to the other party, mean nothing short of destruction of everything we hold dear..."
#blog #politics #reason #opinion #MAGA #JamieGray
#blog #politics #reason #opinion #maga #JamieGray