Heute jährt sich der Beginn der ägyptischen Revolution zum 12. Mal. Die damaligen Ereignisse in der arabischen Welt beeinflussten meine Studienentscheidung. Als ich 2016 ein Auslandssemester in #Kairo machte, war die politische Situation längst erstarrt. Der Zugriff des alten Regimes hatte sich nie ganz gelöst. Der #Tahrir Platz wird durch Baumaßnahmen seit Jahren immer mehr gestutzt und seiner Geschichte beraubt. Die Erinnerung an den 25.1.2011 wird dennoch weiter leben.
#kairo #tahrir #Jan25 #egypt #cairo
Today is 12 years since revolutionary protests toppled old Egyptian regime. Yet human rights advocate Alaa Abd el-Fattah has been persecuted by authorities for 10 years & #GiulioRegeni was murdered by Egyptian police. This brutality must end. @amnesty
RT @Monasosh: Amnesty are calling for a vigil on #Jan25 dedicated to @alaa who is in prison to set an example for all the Jan25th generation in #Egypt and #GiulioRegeni Who disappeared o…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CarolineLucas/status/1618228491568447489
#GiulioRegeni #FreeAlaa #JusticeforGiulio #Jan25 #Egypt
RT @Monasosh: #Jan25
Alaa spent each and every one of these TEN revolution anniversaries in prison ..as a punishment for daring to join in the dream of millions of Egyptians who took to the streets in 2011
#FreeAlaa #FreeThemAll
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JanAlbrecht/status/1618149224226652160
(We never forget)
The 2011 Egyptian revolution, also known as the 25 January revolution (Arabic: ثورة ٢٥ يناير; Thawrat khamsa wa-ʿišrūn yanāyir), began on 25 January 2011 and spread across Egypt. The date was set by various youth groups to coincide with the annual Egyptian "Police holiday" as a statement against increasing police brutality during the last few years of Hosni Mubarak's presidency. #egypt #jan25 Photo: Mona, ccbysa 2.0
"The forces set in motion in 2011 virtually guaranteed that the next decade will witness even more profound transformations—changes that will confound any policy based on a return to the old ways." #Jan25 https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/middle-east/2020-12-08/arab-uprisings-never-ended
“What else do we have left to fight with? That memory of possibility is all we have. Maybe, for now, it is enough...January 25th will always carry a symbolic and emotional potency, and the state has shown its nervousness.” #Jan25 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jan/25/egypt-revolution-five-years-omar-robert-hamilton?utm_source=pocket_reader