#FBI issues reward for those with info on threats by #JanesRevenge against #Nebraska #prolifers
#fbi #JanesRevenge #nebraska #Prolifers
The feds just captured someone they've accused of involvement in one of the earliest #JanesRevenge attacks from last year. Here's the communique from that action:
& here's the news story about the arrest:
Two quick things we'd like to point out about jumping to conclusions from news reports.
1. We do *not* know this person's level of involvement in the action or if they were involved at all.
2. We do *not* know this person's name or gender.
They're supposed to have another court hearing in boston tomorrow, so if any of you are in that area or know people who are consider trying to get some court support or legal defense together.
“FBI Harasses Activists in Florida; Two Indicted on Federal Charges for #JanesRevenge Actions”
An in-depth look at the repressive campaign we started talking about upthread. They're using laws originally aimed at anti-abortion fascists to target pro-abortion activists—maybe a first for this specific law, but common practice in political cases (using laws that were justified as being "for the movement" against the movement).
Are these the first #JanesRevenge indictments?
Jane Says
#JanesRevenge #Michigan #ProChoice #Abortion
#JanesRevenge #michigan #prochoice #abortion
Jane’s Revenge Publishes Open Letter to Jeanne Vanegmond
"Your Pro-Birth And Anti-Choice Work At Pregnancy Aid In Eastpointe, Mi Has Not Gone Unnoticed. No Doubt You Know This, As We Left Messages For You There And At ... Your Home."
"To Anyone Else Reading This: The Anti-Choice Movement Wants A World Where Women Don’t Own Their Own Bodies, Where Their Bodies Are Instead Owned By The State And The Church. But We Can Fight For A Freer World. The Members Of The Anti-Choice Movement Have Names; Their Homes And Businesses Have Addresses."
#JanesRevenge #abortion #prochoice #michigan
Insurekcjonizm w tzw. USA ma się dobrze. Poniższy wpis zawiera pamflet oraz spis 50 akcji bezpośrednich wraz linkami do innych indymediów lub korporacyjnej prasy. Smacznego!
"Kontynuując tę myśl, jak można rozszerzyć zakres działań poza ośrodki pro-life? Jane’s Revenge stała się zasadniczo nieformalną siecią ataku, do której zachęcamy każdą anarchistkę i w której komunikacja między sobą odbywa się głównie poprzez akcje i ich komunikaty. Oznacza to, że to, co jednostka lub grupa jednostek robi i mówi w tych kontekstach, ma większy niż zwykle wpływ na zmianę przebiegu akcji i dyskursu wokół niej. Jaki potencjał oferuje ten rodzaj sieci, który nie został jeszcze zbadany? Ci, którzy wzięli na cel Urząd Stanowy w Vermont, jak również pomalowanie sprayem i podpalenie kościoła na przedmieściach Wirginii oraz decyzja o obraniu za cel darczyńców ośrodka pro-life w Oregonie, oferują pewne sugestie."
#USA #Insurrection #DirectAction #JanesRevenge #Indegenous #Anarchism #AkcjaBezpośrednia #RdzennaLudność #Anarchizm
#usa #insurrection #directaction #JanesRevenge #Indegenous #anarchism #akcjabezposrednia #rdzennaludnosc #anarchizm
RT @abol_media@twitter.com
Another Anti-Abortion Clinic Attacked in Easthampton, MA
#JanesRevenge #Easthampton #AnarchistAction
#anarchistaction #easthampton #JanesRevenge
Another Anti-Abortion Clinic Attacked in Easthampton, MA
#JanesRevenge #Easthampton #AnarchistAction
#JanesRevenge #Easthampton #anarchistaction
RT @abol_media@twitter.com
Jane’s Revenge: Attack on Two Fake Clinics in Worcester, MA
#JanesRevenge #AnarchistAction #Worcester
#worcester #anarchistaction #JanesRevenge
Jane’s Revenge: Attack on Two Fake Clinics in Worcester, MA
#JanesRevenge #AnarchistAction #Worcester
#JanesRevenge #anarchistaction #worcester
Cowardly Democrats have said nothing about these attacks. #janesrevenge #domesticterrorism #whereisjoebiden
#whereisjoebiden #domesticterrorism #JanesRevenge
Cowardly Democrats have said nothing about these attacks. #janesrevenge #domesticterrorism #whereisjoebiden
#whereisjoebiden #domesticterrorism #JanesRevenge
Cowardly Democrats have said nothing about these attacks.
#whereisjoebiden #domesticterrorism #JanesRevenge
looks like there's now a dedicated page specifically for #JanesRevenge updates: https://janesrevenge.noblogs.org