> #LafcadioHearn described the environment in #Japan as harsh, violent and calamitous..in September 1894..[a] damaging earthquake had occurred three years earlier in Gifu. It is still the largest recorded inland #earthquake in Japan’s history.. There have been many major #earthquakes since, with the Great Kanto earthquake.. in 1923 causing massive damage and loss of life in #Tokyo and surrounding regions. Wikipedia lists an estimated 142,800 casualties.
#JannWilliams #tokyo #earthquakes #earthquake #japan #LafcadioHearn
> The Japanese Giant Salamander (JGS) was first catalogued by Europeans in the 1820s when Philipp Franz von Siebold, the resident physician (and enthusiastic naturalist) of Dejima Island in Nagasaki, captured a live salamander and shipped it back to the Netherlands. The species was formally named in Europe in 1836 by Temminck in the monumental collaborative work Fauna Japonica (1833-1851).
#ShuGenDo #JGS #JapaneseGiantSalamander #Tottori #Japan #JannWilliams #ShuGenDo
#JannWilliams #japan #tottori #JapaneseGiantSalamander #JGS #ShuGenDo