Japancasting Episode 18: "Bangladesh Hospital Report in English and Japanese"
Osaka Jogakuin College (OJC) students report on their visit to #Chittagong, #Bangladesh. OJC students contributed to start a charitable children's #hospital ward. These students speak bilingually, so it provides a lesson in either #Japanese or #English as a Foreign #Language. After the students’ presentation, I interviewed a student. That script is available for English learners to read while listening, in the blog post by Parveen Sharma at https://eklavyaparv.com/edusomedia/japancasting-podcast/575-bangladesh-hospital-report-in-english-and-japanese
Listen to this #podcast
at, for example, https://open.spotify.com/episode/5YDezlvREpb49mSSlyvnro or https://hubhopper.com/episode/ep18japancastingbangladesh-hospital-report-in-english-and-japanese-1672254300
While Bangladesh was struggling to develop, Japanese students were able to develop international social consciousness and, as a result, greater self-awareness.
All #Japancasting episodes and related readings are linked from https://japanned.hcommons.org/multimedia
#Chittagong #Bangladesh #hospital #japanese #English #language #podcast #Japancasting #podcasting #japan #oer #efl #languageteaching
It's a small world when #OnlineLearning expert Curt Bonk of Indiana University presents a Webinar based in Canada and recommends #podcasting by my Indian colleague in Tashkent and my Japancasting channel.
Curt's tour de force "How to Use Shared Online Videos, Podcasts and Webcasts to Engage Online Learners" is reported at https://teachonline.ca/webinar/how-use-shared-online-videos-podcasts-and-webcasts-engage-online-learners
Japancasting topics so far: #Japanese #legends & #religions, society & #education, and #Asian #cultures
See details about #Japancasting #podcasts, related articles, and videos at https://japanned.hcommons.org/multimedia
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