Yo guess what I got from the mail today the 1985 Japanese Samurai Film Kenka Yasubei: Ketto Takada No Baba aka Yasubei The Mediator Duel At Takada No Baba.
#YasubeiTheMediatorDuelAtTakadaNoBaba #喧嘩安兵衛決闘高田ノ馬場 #SamuraiFilms #JapaneseActionFilms
#YasubeiTheMediatorDuelAtTakadaNoBaba #喧嘩安兵衛決闘高田ノ馬場 #samuraifilms #JapaneseActionFilms
Yo guess what I got from the mail yesterday the 2019 Japanese Yakuza Crime Action Thriller Film Hatsukoi aka First Love Directed by Takashi Miike.
#Hatsukoi #FirstLove #初恋 #TakashiMiike #三池崇史 #JapaneseActionFilms
#Hatsukoi #FirstLove #初恋 #TakashiMiike #三池崇史 #JapaneseActionFilms
Yo guess what I got from the mail yesterday The Complete Lady Snowblood Collection.
#LadySnowblood #修羅雪姫 #ChanbaraFilms #JapaneseActionFilms
#ladysnowblood #修羅雪姫 #chanbarafilms #JapaneseActionFilms
Yo guess what I got from the mail today the 1986 Japanese Chanbara (Chambra) Ninja Film Jittamei aka Death Shadows Starring Mariko Ishihara and Directed by Hideo Gosha.
#Jittamei #DeathShadows #十手舞 #Chanbara #JapaneseMartialArtsFilms #JapaneseActionFilms
#Jittamei #DeathShadows #十手舞 #Chanbara #japanesemartialartsfilms #JapaneseActionFilms
Yo guess what I got from the mail today The Criterion Collection Blu Ray Releases of The Zatoichi Films and the Lone Wolf And Cub Films.
#Zatoichi #座頭市 #LoneWolfAndCub #子連れ狼 #SamuraiFilms #ChanbaraFilms #JapaneseMartialArtsFilms #JapaneseActionFilms
#zatoichi #座頭市 #lonewolfandcub #子連れ狼 #samuraifilms #chanbarafilms #japanesemartialartsfilms #JapaneseActionFilms
Yo guess what I got from the mail today the Two Disc Blu Ray Release of the 2000 Japanese Japanese Zombie Action Film Versus Starring Tak Sakaguchi and the 2019 Japanese Martial Arts Film Hydra
#Versus #ヴァーサス #Hydra #JapaneseMartialArtsFilms #JapaneseActionFilms
#versus #ヴァーサス #hydra #japanesemartialartsfilms #JapaneseActionFilms
Yo guess what I got from the mail today the 2010 Japanese Samurai 13 Assassins a remake of the 1963 Film of the same name and the 2016 Japanese Action Film RE:Born Starring Tak Sakaguchi and Directed by Yuji Shimomura.
#13Assassins #十三人の刺客 #REBORN #JapaneseActionFilms
#13Assassins #十三人の刺客 #reborn #JapaneseActionFilms
Yo guess what I got from the mail today the 2010 South Korean Action Thriller The Man From Nowhere and the 2021 Japanese Action Comedy Baby Assassins.
#ThaManFromNoWhere #아저씨 #BabyAssassins #ベイビーわるきゅーれ #KoreanActionFilms #JapaneseActionFilms
#ThaManFromNoWhere #아저씨 #BabyAssassins #ベイビーわるきゅーれ #KoreanActionFilms #JapaneseActionFilms
Yo guess what I got from the mail today the Sonny Chiba Collection from Shout Factory. Where it has some of Shinichi Chiba's aka Sonny Chiba's Classic Action Films.
#SonnyChibaCollection #SonnyChiba #千葉真一 #JapaneseMartialArtsFilms #JapaneseActionFilms
#SonnyChibaCollection #sonnychiba #千葉真一 #japanesemartialartsfilms #JapaneseActionFilms