#America PLEASE study & go back to my posts on the difference on REAL #Hebrews #Jews and the Frauds of the Kharzarian Rothschild Gangsters who are NOT from #Shem (#Semites) but of #Japheth!!
On my Ministry Page http://www.jeffhertzog.org if you go to "Israel's "Lost 10 Tribes?" I have a page http://www.jeffhertzog.org/10-tribes.html with credible & factual links on the REAL HEBREWS/JEWS! and how they are beginning to come back to the Holy Land! Lots of Information!
#Japheth #Semites #Shem #jews #hebrews #America
MUST WATCH VIDEO! #WakeUpAmerica watch this #Video – this #Devil is NOT a #Biblical #Hebrew / #Jew (Descendant of #Abraham, #Isaac, #Jacob & Jacob’s’ 12 sons!) – He is a #Rothschild #Kharzarian GANGSTER (White #European from #Japheth, NOT #Shem! This Devil is NOT a #Semite! #Rabbi Yosef MIzrachi: 6 Billion People Don't Deserve To Live – (anyone who rejects the truth of this video needs to meet #God in Judgment!) https://rumble.com/v1twv6q-rabbi-yosef-mizrachi-6-billion-people-dont-deserve-to-live.html
#god #rabbi #Semite #Shem #Japheth #european #Kharzarian #Rothschild #Jacob #Isaac #Abraham #jew #Hebrew #biblical #devil #video #wakeupamerica