Kreyren :verified: · @kreyren
53 followers · 4874 posts · Server

I don't understand why Jason Van Dyke was put in prison in the first place for shooting to death Laquan McDonald who was threatening him and his collegues with a knife.

Like on the released video the Laguan McDonald is running in the middle of the (seemingly) busy street with a knife and refusing to comply with a police officer's orders who is aiming a gun at him, then he gets shot when he turns towards the officer..

I would agree that using man catcher, pepper spray or worst case scanario tazer would be more appropriate, but none is training the US police to use either of these non-lethal (excluding tazer that can be very lethal) solutions -> You can't blame the police officer for doing what they are trained to do.

.. the shooting when he's laying on the ground was also exessive.

#us #uslaw #uspolitics #uspolice #police #shooting #laquanmcdonald #jasonvandyke #JasonDyke

Last updated 3 years ago