We did it! This weekend we finished Gloomhaven Forgotten Circles. The last boss was a bear! It took 5 times to win. From Jaws to Circles took us just about a year. #gloomhaven #jawsofthelion #forgottencircles
#gloomhaven #JawsOfTheLion #forgottencircles
Happy to reveal another fantasy board game audio companion/ audio narration release that I had the pleasure of working on, doing voice for, that went public in 2022.
Enjoy Forteller's audio companion for "Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion," available now!
#voiceacting #voice #audiodrama #gameaudio #AudioCompanion #AudioNarration #Gloomhaven #JawsOfTheLion #boardgame #gameaudioapp #audioapp #app
#app #audioapp #gameaudioapp #boardgame #JawsOfTheLion #gloomhaven #audionarration #audiocompanion #gameaudio #audiodrama #voice #voiceacting
@Eamon1916 Yes there are a lot of rule,s but I have been playing it for over a year and am just nearing the end. huge game and way worth the effort needed to get started. I recommend starting with Jaws of the Lion which has learning built in. #Gloomhaven #jawsofthelion
I painted the Red Guard from Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion! These minis are so much more detailed than the Mechs vs Minions ones.
#gloomhaven #JawsOfTheLion #minipainting
Scenario 4. Still learning the game. Today we lost because we were enjoying too much the OP cards of our new decks T_T
Scenario 4. Still learning the game. Today we lost because we were enjoying too much the OP cards of our new decks T_T
Gestern gab es bei #Gloomhaven #JawsOfTheLion im Szenario 15 wieder ordentlich auf die Mütze. Jetzt wieder Wunden lecken und nächste Woche mit neuem Deck einen neuen Versuch starten.
#gloomhaven #JawsOfTheLion #jotl #prankendeslowen #brettspiel
#BoardGame night! Time to play some #Gloomhaven #JawsOfTheLion with #friends. Now I have to remember how to play...
#boardgame #gloomhaven #JawsOfTheLion #friends
#gamenight with #gloomhaven & #JawsOfTheLion because I'm the #demolitionist
#gamenight #gloomhaven #JawsOfTheLion #demolitionist
#gamenight with #gloomhaven & #JawsOfTheLion because I'm the #demolitionist
#gamenight #gloomhaven #JawsOfTheLion #demolitionist
We played #Gloomhaven before #JawsOfTheLion because that's the order they came out in, and WOW is it hard to go back to all the tiles and fiddly tokens after enjoying Jaws's scenario book instead.
(We're doing random dungeons to level up between Jaws adventures, since otherwise we won't hit level 9 before running out of scenarios.) #BoardGame
#boardgame #JawsOfTheLion #gloomhaven
@mattlaff Oooh I didn't know Frosthaven was out! I've only played the #Gloomhaven expansion #JawsOfTheLion so far, but I love the experience.
Weiteres #Spiel22 #EssenLoot:
#Gloomhaven Fallen Lion, ein Comic der glaub ich ein bisschen eine Verbindung zwischen #JawsOftheLion (#PrankenDesLöwen) und dem Hauptspiel herstellt. Der links ist ein Limited Edition mit alternativem Cover, rechts der offizielle.
#PrankenDesLöwen #JawsOfTheLion #gloomhaven #EssenLoot #spiel22
Auf den ersten Blick sieht's aus wie #Gloomhaven, das Territory ist Custom Fluff, das ist auf der Messe nicht unüblich, so fangen Spiele mehr Blicke ein. Das hatten Cephalofair damals schon bei Gloomhaven so ge-demo-t.
Die Charaktere sind (mir) aber nicht bekannt, und #JawsOfTheLion kann's nicht sein weil kein Buch als Spielfeld. Außerdem liegen hinten solche Karten, die ich nicht kenne, die aber in der Vitrine zu #Frosthaven lagen. Siehe Bild anbei.
#Frosthaven #JawsOfTheLion #gloomhaven
whoa, #Gloomhaven #JawsOfTheLion kommt bereits im November auf Deutsch raus?! o_O