Yazeba’s Bed & Breakfast
Yazeba's Bed & Breakfast is an ambitious tabletop role-playing game from the publisher and creator of the wonderful Wanderhome. The game is brimming with beautiful art, delightful characters and game mechanics that promise to create fun and meaningful sessions.
#ttrpg #rpg #PossumCreekGames #JayDragon
Wanderhome is a no dice, no masters game described as "a pastoral fantasy tabletop RPG about traveling animal-folk and the way they change with the seasons" that is being Kickstarted right now. There is a free playkit to get a taste of the game, but I think it's well worth backing for another game using the no dice, no masters game engine
#belongingoutsidebelonging #JayDragon #nodicenomasters #RPG #tabletopgames #Wanderhome
#Wanderhome #tabletopgames #rpg #nodicenomasters #JayDragon #belongingoutsidebelonging