How about that #moneyPrinter!
Interview with Prof. #JayatiGhosh about corporate #profiteering and #tillony behind the #foodCrisis, not the Ukraine proxy conflict.
"The future will be messy. It's going to be very complicated and messy, but I would argue that the process has already started. The world lost faith, lost trust in the global north during the pandemic."
#moneyPrinter #JayatiGhosh #profiteering #tillony #foodcrisis #inequality #rt #podcast #moneyPrinterGoDrr #covid #divest
Budget 2023 Has Chilling Implications for India's People
It seems that the Narendra Modi government has decided, in an election year, that general elections can be fought and won without efforts to improve the material conditions of the bulk of the people, and even simply ignoring their suffering, writes Jayati Ghosh
#Budget2023 #MGNREGA #employment #inequality #hunger #malnutrition #unemployment #poverty #labour #jobs #economy #UnionGovt #JayatiGhosh #india
#Budget2023 #MGNREGA #employment #inequality #hunger #malnutrition #unemployment #poverty #labour #jobs #economy #uniongovt #JayatiGhosh #india
“Tassiamo i ricchi e i loro super-profitti per vincere l’inflazione e difendere i diritti umani” #evasionefiscale #disuguaglianza #JosephStiglitz #ThomasPiketty #dirittiumani #JayatiGhosh #tassericchi #inflazione #taxtherich #Opinioni #povertà #icrict #ricchi #crisi #fisco
#fisco #crisi #Ricchi #icrict #povertà #opinioni #TaxTheRich #inflazione #tassericchi #JayatiGhosh #dirittiumani #ThomasPiketty #josephstiglitz #disuguaglianza #evasionefiscale
> .. [A] need for systemic solutions.. greater.. public ownership and.. provision in meeting essential basic needs and furnishing social services, an end to the #privatisation and #commercialisation of knowledge through.. intellectual property rights.. more extensive and effective regulation of private activity.. to serve common social goals.. requires reversal of the disastrous #privatisations of past decades of finance, knowledge, public services.. utilities.. natural commons
#JayatiGhosh #privatisations #commercialisation #privatisation
> .. work done by #LucasChancel of the World Inequality Lab shows that per capita emissions from low- and middle-income groups in rich countries declined between 1990 and 2019. Since #emissions are a reasonable proxy for other #ResourceUse as well, the data suggests that the very rich globally, not the rest of the society even in rich countries, are to blame for #overconsumption
#JayatiGhosh #GDP
#gdp #JayatiGhosh #overconsumption #ResourceUse #emissions #LucasChancel
> .. #SriLanka is not alone.. it’s.. a harbinger of.. debt distress in.. the “emerging markets”.. incredibly low interest rates in the advanced economies meant that more funds flowed to “emerging” and “frontier” markets.. this found cheerleaders in the international financial institutions (#IFIs), it was always.. problematic.. because, unlike in.. the EU and US, capital leaves low- and middle-income countries (#LMICs) at the first sign of.. a problem
#JayatiGhosh #LMICs #IFIs #srilanka
> .. the hypocrisy in the sort of moral double standards are evident in this #Ukraine war. I mean, yes, it is terrible, what is happening. It is a brutal and completely unjustified invasion, and people are dying, and people are suffering. but more people have died in Yemen in the last three months, with arms provided by the U.S. and very, very brutal attacks. Children are starving in #Yemen and in #Afghanistan because of #usa policy.
#JayatiGhosh #economics
#economics #JayatiGhosh #usa #afghanistan #yemen #ukraine
Truth is Beauty, and Beauty Truth...
The first economist that ever made that come to mind,
> we have to address the problem at the root, which is in terms of the ways in which prices are structured, the companies that are allowed to get away with straightforward profiteering in times of crisis, and bring in regulations and controls that will prevent that.
#JayatiGhosh !
#profiteering #pricegouging #TruthBeautiy #BeautyTruth
#BeautyTruth #TruthBeautiy #pricegouging #profiteering #JayatiGhosh
> ..once you get some increase in prices, companies see this as a.. way of quickly making additional profits by raising their prices even more than is justified. there is.. this cost-push element, but.. you’re also getting.. profiteering.. the notion of.. #FreeMarket is.. false, because these.. big fat companies— #oligopolies— that can control the marke.. so you really have to make sure that governments regulate those prices.
#JayatiGhosh #inflation #economics #DN!
#dn #economics #inflation #JayatiGhosh #oligopolies #freemarket
“Every single number in the Budget is a lie,” #JayatiGhosh, Professor of Economics at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), said on here Sunday of the #UnionBudget.