Looking for the illustrator of this cover. It's the Dutch edition of the novel by J-C Carrière but inside it mentions 'all illustrations by Pierre Etaix'. This does not look like an Etaix drawing to me, at all. (the ones inside yes) Anyone have a clue? Publisher De Fontein, Utrecht..
#books #jacquestati #mrhulot #illustration #JeanClaudeCarriere #novel #pipe #monsieurhulot
#monsieurhulot #pipe #novel #JeanClaudeCarriere #illustration #mrhulot #JacquesTati #books
Alain Delon and Romy Schneider on the set of "La Piscine" (1969).
#lapiscine #movieclassics #RomySchneider #alaindelon #stills #iconic #cinema #JeanClaudeCarriere #jacquesderay
#jacquesderay #JeanClaudeCarriere #cinema #iconic #Stills #alaindelon #RomySchneider #movieclassics #LaPiscine