After Repulsion the night before
I’ve seen another great movie with #CatherineDeneuve last night (some kind of a double feature :blobcatgiggle: ):
« Un flic » by #JeanPierreMelville – a fascinating picture at the boundary between Neo Noir and Heist movie with a almost perfect cinematography. And #AlainDelon playing cool as always a quite conflicting role.
Melville presents us charakters, that cannot escape their destiny. They are somehow doomed from the beginning …
#catherinedeneuve #JeanPierreMelville #alaindelon
Admirable la extrema sobriedad y el realismo, marca de la casa, con la que #JeanPierreMelville cuenta la parte más sombría y humana de la lucha por la libertad en la Francia ocupada de 1942. #ElEjercitodelasSombras funciona, al igual que el resto de las obras del autor, como un reloj suizo; y así mismo lo hace elenco, donde se apuesta por un esquema de contención en personajes de los que sólo conocemos el "ahora".
Orfebrería mayor.
#literatura #cinefrances #cine #cinemastodon #elejercitodelassombras #JeanPierreMelville
73 years ago:
The Strange Ones (FR)
Original title: Les Enfants terribles
Elisabeth and her brother Paul live isolated from much of the world after Paul is injured in a snowball fight. As a coping mechanism, the two conjure up a hermetic dream of their own making. Their relationship, however, isn't exactly wholesome. Jealousy and a malevolent undercurrent intrude on their...
#TheStrangeOnes #JeanPierreMelville #MoniqueBonnot #WomenInFilm
#thestrangeones #JeanPierreMelville #moniquebonnot #womeninfilm
73 years ago:
The Strange Ones (FR)
Original title: Les Enfants terribles
Elisabeth and her brother Paul live isolated from much of the world after Paul is injured in a snowball fight. As a coping mechanism, the two conjure up a hermetic dream of their own making. Their relationship, however, isn't exactly wholesome. Jealousy and a malevolent undercurrent intrude on their...
#TheStrangeOnes #JeanPierreMelville #MoniqueBonnot #Film
#thestrangeones #JeanPierreMelville #moniquebonnot #film
Some directors to know me by in no order:
#JohnCarpenter #EricRohmer #yasujiroozu #IngmarBergman #AkiraKurosawa #darioargento #NuriBilgeCeylan #ClaireDenis #AbbasKiarostami #JeanPierreMelville #satyajitray #BelaTarr #QuentinTarantino #AgnesVarda #JulesDassin
Kommenden Freitag den 11.11. geht es weiter mit der #TourDuCinema und #JeanPierreMelville s #Filmnoir-Klassiker „Vier im roten Kreis“ im wundervollen #ThaliaKinoDD, eine Veranstaltungsreihe der unersetzlichen Filmgalerie #phaseiv.
Für alle #KinoLiebhaber und die, die es werden wollen!
#film #kino #filmklassiker #Cineasten #cinephile #filmgeschichte #Filmgenre #alaindelon #YvesMontand #GianMariaVolonte
#TourDuCinema #JeanPierreMelville #Filmnoir #ThaliaKinoDD #phaseiv #KinoLiebhaber #film #kino #filmklassiker #Cineasten #cinephile #filmgeschichte #Filmgenre #alaindelon #YvesMontand #GianMariaVolonte