Bon bah, à part un combat absurdement raté, #JediSurvivor est plutôt un sans faute. Prenant, agréableà jouer, beau à regarder,…
Completely Unaware
Game: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#gaming #jedisurvivor #starwarsjedisurvivor #photomode #virtualphotography
#virtualphotography #photomode #StarWarsJediSurvivor #JediSurvivor #gaming
A View from Above
Game: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#gaming #jedisurvivor #starwarsjedisurvivor #starwars #photomode #virtualphotography
#virtualphotography #photomode #starwars #StarWarsJediSurvivor #JediSurvivor #gaming
Wish we saw this master / padawan dynamic in the Sequels.... 🤔😑😔
#JediSurvivor #markhamill #StarWars
Happy Birthday to Cameron Monaghan aka Cal Kestis! He voiced and provided motion capture for his character in Jedi Fallen Order and Jedi Suvivor. Born August 16, 1993 in Santa Monica, CA. He turns 30 today.
#JediSurvivor #CalKestis #StarWars
Star Wars: Jedi Survivor Coming To PS4 and XBOX One after all.
This was revealed in today's Electronic Arts 2024 Q1 Earnings Call. The game will released on these platforms sometime in 2024.
If you don't have the game, will you be waiting to get the game on these or will you be just upgrading to the current gen platforms?
#videogames #JediSurvivor #StarWars
Merrin at Work
Game: Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#gaming #photomode #virtualphotography #jedisurvivor #starwarsjedisurvivor #starwars #jedi
#jedi #starwars #StarWarsJediSurvivor #JediSurvivor #virtualphotography #photomode #gaming
Pakolliset Cal Kestis potretit. Kerrankin hän kohdistaa katsettaan johonkin.
#jedisurvivor #pelit #pelaaminen #videopelit #virtuaalinenvalokuvaus
#virtuaalinenvalokuvaus #videopelit #pelaaminen #pelit #JediSurvivor
Keep up, Jedi
Game: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#gaming #photomode #virtualphotography #jedisurvivor #JediSurvivor #StarWarsJediSurvivor
#StarWarsJediSurvivor #JediSurvivor #virtualphotography #photomode #gaming
The Desert Ghost
Game: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#gaming #photomode #virtualphotography #jedisurvivor #starwarsjedisurvivor #starwars
#starwars #StarWarsJediSurvivor #JediSurvivor #virtualphotography #photomode #gaming
Pelaaminen oli sairastamisen vuoksi aika jähmeetä, mutta löysin vihdoin valokuvaustyökalun. On kyllä oudoin työkalu tarkentamiseen mitä peleissä on tullu vastaan, mutta sitten toisaalta zoomaus ja muutenkin etäisyyden hallinta on todella laadukasta.
#JediSurvivor #pelit #pelaaminen #virtuaalinenvalokuvaus #videopelit
#videopelit #virtuaalinenvalokuvaus #pelaaminen #pelit #JediSurvivor
Seeking Wisdom
Game: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#starwarsjedisurvivor #jedisurvivor #gaming #photomode #virtualphotography #stsrwars #jedi #merrin
#merrin #jedi #stsrwars #virtualphotography #photomode #gaming #JediSurvivor #StarWarsJediSurvivor
Painful Memories
Game: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#jedisurvivor #starwarsjedisurvivor #gaming #photomode #virtualphotography #jedi #photomodemonday
#photomodemonday #jedi #virtualphotography #photomode #gaming #StarWarsJediSurvivor #JediSurvivor
Bringing the Heat
Game: Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#jedisurvivor #starwarsjedisurvivor #gaming #photomode #virtualphotography #starwars
#starwars #virtualphotography #photomode #gaming #StarWarsJediSurvivor #JediSurvivor
Merrin's New Movies
Game: Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#jedisurvivor #starwarsjedisurvivor #gaming #photomode #virtualphotography
#virtualphotography #photomode #gaming #StarWarsJediSurvivor #JediSurvivor
Trading Blows
Game: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#jedisurvivor #starwarsjedisurvivor #gaming #photomode #virtualphotography #photomodemonday #jedi #starwars #calkestis
#calkestis #starwars #jedi #photomodemonday #virtualphotography #photomode #gaming #StarWarsJediSurvivor #JediSurvivor
Here it comes...
Game: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#jedisurvivor #starwarsjedisurvivor #gaming #photomode #virtualphotography #jedi #starwars #calkestis
#calkestis #starwars #jedi #virtualphotography #photomode #gaming #StarWarsJediSurvivor #JediSurvivor
Soaking in the Scenery
Game: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#jedisurvivor #starwarsjedisurvivor #gaming #photomode #virtualphotography #starwars #jedi #virtualsightseers
#virtualsightseers #jedi #starwars #virtualphotography #photomode #gaming #StarWarsJediSurvivor #JediSurvivor
A Standoff
Game: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#jedisurvivor #starwarsjedisurvivor #gaming #photomode #virtualphotography #jedi #starwars #calkestis
#calkestis #starwars #jedi #virtualphotography #photomode #gaming #StarWarsJediSurvivor #JediSurvivor