Wanna be a method actor but only by the #JeffBridges method
Jeff Bridges school of method acting = "just be lucky enough that every single filmmaker always carefully casts you as characters that are basically you IRL"
am not sure this even counts as acting
did you know this absolute dude was sneaking away between takes on TRON in 1982 to play the arcade machines and beat the latest high score and other actors had to drag him back to work
#StableDiffusion #JeffBridges as #Indiana Jones
Apologies to Bridges and Ford.
#stablediffusion #JeffBridges #indiana
#StableDiffusion #JeffBridges as #Indiana Jones
Apologies to Bridges and Ford.
#stablediffusion #JeffBridges #indiana
These men may be in black, but our episode title says RIPD... Curious...
Give it a listen with the links in our bio!
#ripd #RyanReynolds #JeffBridges #buddycop #film
Un film e più al giorno 568.
The Big Lebowski (Il grande Lebowski, 1998) di Joel ed Ethan Coen.
#unfilmalgiorno #thebiglebowski #ilgrandebowski #joelcoen #ethancoen #coenbrothers #fratellicoen #jeffbridges #johngoodman #stevebuscemi #cinema #film #movie #moviescenes #filmphotography #filmcommunity #filmphoto
#unfilmalgiorno #thebiglebowski #ilgrandebowski #joelcoen #ethancoen #coenbrothers #fratellicoen #JeffBridges #johngoodman #stevebuscemi #cinema #film #movie #moviescenes #filmphotography #filmcommunity #filmphoto
Jeff Bridges ricorda il set di Iron Man: `un caos, ero nel panico` - NoSpoiler #IronMan #JeffBridges #JonFavreau #RobertDowneyJr #25luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cDovL25vc3BvaWxlci5pdC9wb3N0cy9qZWZmLWJyaWRnZXMtcGFybGEtcGVyLWxhLXByaW1hLXZvbHRhLWRlbC1jYW9zLXN1bC1zZXQtZGktaXJvbi1tYW4=
#25luglio #robertdowneyjr #jonfavreau #JeffBridges #ironman
Jeff Bridges esalta il primo Iron Man: `Il Miglior film Marvel` #JeffBridges #IronMan #24luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubGFzY2ltbWlhcGVuc2EuY29tLzIwMjIvMDcvMjIvamVmZi1icmlkZ2VzLWlyb24tbWFuLW1pZ2xpb3ItZmlsbS1tYXJ2ZWwv
#24luglio #ironman #JeffBridges
Jeff Bridges esalta il primo Iron Man: `Il Miglior film Marvel` #JeffBridges #IronMan #22luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubGFzY2ltbWlhcGVuc2EuY29tLzIwMjIvMDcvMjIvamVmZi1icmlkZ2VzLWlyb24tbWFuLW1pZ2xpb3ItZmlsbS1tYXJ2ZWwv
#22luglio #ironman #JeffBridges
‘The Old Man’ Dog Stars Steal The Spotlight at Premiere with Jeff Bridges | Alia Shawkat, Amy Brenneman, Bill Heck, EJ Bonilla, Gbenga Akinnagbe, Jeff Bridges, John Lithgow, Kenneth Mitchell, Pej Vahdat : Just Jared #JeffBridges #JohnLithgow #AmyBrenneman #EJBonilla #AliaShawkat #KennethMitchell #PejVahdat #GbengaAkinnagbe #BillHeck #JonWatts #EJBonilla #JJLinksAroundTheWeb #9giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuanVzdGphcmVkLmNvbS8yMDIyLzA2LzA5L3RoZS1vbGQtbWFuLWRvZy1zdGFycy1zdGVhbC10aGUtc3BvdGxpZ2h0LWF0LXByZW1pZXJlLXdpdGgtamVmZi1icmlkZ2VzLw==
#9giugno #JJLinksAroundTheWeb #jonwatts #BillHeck #GbengaAkinnagbe #PejVahdat #KennethMitchell #AliaShawkat #EJBonilla #AmyBrenneman #JohnLithgow #JeffBridges