Doing the #bookstodon 7 books to know me thing, mostly because I can’t for the life of me focus on #Proust longer than 2 seconds:
#LucyMaudMontgomery, Anne of Green Gables
#AnneCarson / #Sappho, If Not, Winter
#MarciaDouglas, The Marvellous Equations of the Dread
#HermannHesse, Glass Bead Game
#ItaloCalvino, If on a winter’s night a traveler
#RodrigoFresán, The Invented/Dreamed/Remembered Part trilogy
#JennyHval, Girls Against God
#bookstodon #proust #LucyMaudMontgomery #AnneCarson #marciadouglas #HermannHesse #italocalvino #rodrigofresan #JennyHval #sappho
#JennyHval - #YearOfLove (Official Video)
'Year of Love' is taken from Jenny Hval's forthcoming album 'Classic Objects', out 11th March via 4AD. Pre-order / pre-save: