Two weekdays without a new episode of #Jeopardy. I've had enough of this bullshit.
And Cleaner Harry Mudd survives another day! Now the long, long wait 'til next season and the end of the strike. #Jeopardy
sharon's pulled it together after a couple of real "sharon, are you okay?" answers up front #jeopardy
last #jeopardy of the season and Quizboy has a pretty nice tie. everybody here likes it, good job wardrobe
the problem with these anagram categories is that by the time I get the rhythm of them they're down to like one or two left #jeopardy
hm hm hm #Jeopardy Quizboy's tie report:
looks like germs but isn't, definitely not a fan
also @RobynGoodfellow isn't fond of the pattern but he likes the colour
Don't @ me ....just my opinion but I do not like #KenJennings as #Jeopardy host....#MayimBialik is so much more fun and interesting.
#kenjennings #Jeopardy #mayimbialik
DAILY #Jeopardy TIE ANALYSIS doesn't go well for Quizboy tonight:
@RobynGoodfellow "That's graph paper, not a tie."
@annathepiper "That's screen distortion."
Definite Moiré pattern vibes here, but it's more of a metal mesh for me and I kind of... don't mind it.
i wonder if middle jeopardy guy's hairstyle is a psychology project #jeopardy
wait i know what it is with today's tie
today's #jeopardy tie looks like HO-scale 1970s wallpaper
do not like
hmmmm no approval for #Jeopardy Quizboy's tie today
(tho' Narrow Mike Nelson's tie is bland but fine)
Narrow Mike Nelson isn't a bad #jeopardy player but when he guesses he's REALLY coming from space.
#Jeopardy Quizboy's tie _really_ reminds me of something but I can't place it. @RobynGoodfellow is not impressed however.
mmmm don't like it, guy in the middle deserved to win and that clue was super confusing but
narrow mike nelson is our new #jeopardy overlord
at least for now
(but i don't think he'll last)
(she said, the day he started his 243-day run)
mmmm don't like it, guy in the middle deserved to win and that clue was super confusing
ah well, i don't think he'll last
(she said, the day he started his 243-day run)