I NEED the #ragingdissident to Do More Podcasts! or Interviews! BC I MISS HIS HUMOR
😭I’m NOT sure if he is STILL locked up? OR out of jail?
😭or NOT ALLOWED to speak?
😭I have NO IDEA what’s going on
🙏but He makes me LAUGH 😂MORE than ANYONE else online!
🙏So anyone who has a show 🙏PLEASE🙏 have #JeremyMcKenzie ON
😭IF #canada hasn’t muzzled him YET
🙏I need SOME belly laughs
🙏 yes #comedians SAY stupid things 🤣That r Inappropriate🤣 it’s comedy!
🙏I just need a GOOD #diagalon LAUGH
#diagalon #comedians #canada #JeremyMcKenzie #RagingDissident