RT @SosAbuelos1
A este abuelito lo hemos llamado #JESSE.
Es el más mayor de los cinco que se rescataron, 14 añitos tiene el peque.
Tiene muy muy poquita visión, pero está sanito.
Cariñoso, bueno y tranquilo, es un sol de perrito.
Le buscamos un hogar entre todos?
658306539 //… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1652977711843794945
🔊 #NowPlaying on #KEXP's #SundaySoul
Jesse & the Mel-O-Tones:
🎵 You Best Give It Up
#nowplaying #kexp #sundaysoul #Jesse #themelotones
I just have no belief that #jesse is making these players better #lufc. I think he’s making them worse. I could well be wrong but I am pretty sure if we didn’t have a manager we’d do slightly better than we are right now @thesquareball
RT @eugenehmg@twitter.com
How about stop working and give me food, human? #jesse #CatsOfUkraine
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBC6Music's #GuyGarveysFinestHour
Jesse & Bill:
🎵 The Line
#nowplaying #GuyGarveysFinestHour #Jesse #bill
How To Borrow Via Private Mortgages With Jesse of Calvert Mortgages
Our guest on today’s Truth About Real Estate Investing Podcast is Jesse Bobrowski, Vice President of Business Development of the most popular private mortgag...
#Toronto #About #Bobrowski #estate #guest #Investing #Jesse #Podcast #real #today’s #Truth
#Toronto #About #Bobrowski #estate #guest #Investing #Jesse #Podcast #real #today #Truth
@Evrine@mastodon.online 给company差评,我闭着眼睛都能猜到是杰西绿写的剧评🙄
#Jesse Green滚出剧评界