On this week's episode of Spotlight On, @lawrenceperyer chats with American roots music legend Jesse Colin Young. Young is known as the frontman for The Youngbloods (of counterculture anthem "Get Together" fame) + for his acclaimed solo records. This conversation, recorded in front of an audience, touches on life as a musician in the ‘60s, how San Francisco became a spiritual home, and why one shouldn't play bass on mind-altering substances. → https://www.spotlightonpodcast.com/jesse-colin-young/
"Together" by #JesseColinYoung
More information about this recording at #Discogs: https://www.discogs.com/release/2721130-Jesse-Colin-Young-Together
#JesseColinYoung #discogs #listeningto
Verrà un tempo in cui a muoversi sarà solo l’oscurità https://www.carmillaonline.com/2021/02/10/verra-un-tempo-in-cui-a-muoversi-sara-solo-loscurita/ #"Darknessdarkness" #politicallycorrect #JesseColinYoung #inquinamento #CapitolHill #JimThompson #Recensioni #OhioValley #JohnWoods #Columbus #fracking #Minatori #america #carbone #BushJr #Obama #Trump #Ohio
#politicallycorrect #JesseColinYoung #inquinamento #capitolhill #JimThompson #recensioni #OhioValley #JohnWoods #columbus #fracking #minatori #america #carbone #BushJr #obama #trump #ohio