Happy birthday(s) to Edip Akbaryam, Jim Reid and Nathan Bowles!
#Pelt #JesusandMaryChain #turkishpsych #indierock #psychedelic
#Pelt #JesusAndMaryChain #turkishpsych #indierock #psychedelic
I am looking forward to April Skies 🙌
More #JesusAndMaryChain #music 🥰🎶
I'm so freaking glad they never went full mainstream! I've loved their music since their demo days.
#JesusAndMaryChain #music #nostalgia #musicvideo #youtube #ListenUp
#Listening to:
The Hardest Walk - #JesusAndMaryChain
#MusicFromMyYouth #MusicVideo #Youtube #JMC #RadSome #nostalgia
#listening #JesusAndMaryChain #musicfrommyyouth #musicvideo #youtube #jmc #radsome #nostalgia
Ear worm in the background of the Happy Valley trailer on TV at the moment, that takes some of us of a certain age right back… https://youtu.be/7EgB__YratE #JesusAndMaryChain
#Wildhoney #DJShadow #ExCops #JagwarMa #JimiGoodwin #PJHarvey #TheBlackRyder #TheWalkmen #TheWeddingPresent #AhKosmos #IceChoir #Iceage #LordHuron #TheBlankTapes #TheMilkCartonKids #MilkCartonKids #TimBuckley #HidekiSakomizu #TheMonochromeSet #Balthazar #Pavement #TheAutumns #LindaPerhacs #JesusAndMaryChain #JAMC #Múm #Mum #CateLeBon #NeonIndian #UlrichSchnauss #BetaBand #Wire #PinkFloyd #KikagakuMoyo #NickDrake #Squarepusher #BritishSeaPower #Modeselektor
#wildhoney #DJShadow #excops #jagwarma #jimigoodwin #PJHarvey #theblackryder #thewalkmen #theweddingpresent #ahkosmos #icechoir #IceAge #lordhuron #theblanktapes #themilkcartonkids #milkcartonkids #timbuckley #hidekisakomizu #themonochromeset #balthazar #pavement #theautumns #lindaperhacs #JesusAndMaryChain #jamc #mum #catelebon #neonindian #ulrichschnauss #betaband #wire #PinkFloyd #kikagakumoyo #Nickdrake #squarepusher #britishseapower #modeselektor
Psychocandy 2022 – 24 x 30 x 25cm, firm plasticine for casting
Psychocandy 2022 – 24 x 30 x 25cm, firm plasticine for casting
Psychocandy was released 37 years ago in 1985, it was astonishing then and remains so today. I always thought the video to ‘Just like Honey’ was incredibly beautiful and statuesque, my sculpture will eventually be cast in bronze.
@jesusandmarychain #jesusandmarychain #psychocandy #sculpture #bronze #cast #contemporaryart #contemporarysculpture #alternativemusic
#JesusAndMaryChain #psychocandy #sculpture #Bronze #cast #contemporaryart #contemporarysculpture #alternativemusic
Gonna put this out there for the next time they blow through town, but if Jim and William Reid are once again procrastinating in finding a female voice for duets, I’m available. #JesusAndMaryChain #TheMaryChain
#JesusAndMaryChain #TheMaryChain
hiii there i will now lay out my #introduction as part of the great #twittermigration ~
i am a musician and service industry worker in #austintx & have been involved with local #mutualaid efforts as well. won't divulge too much personal info as being a trans woman in tx is a precarious situation. i stand in solidarity with the workers of the world and find #marxism to be the true form of democracy and freedom. the internationale unites the human race ❤️ revolution and love
#antifascist #anticolonial #antiracist
will update with musical works in progress!
one of my pet frogs pictured below 🐸
music interests include: #shoegaze #postpunk #psychedelia #noiserock #goth #dreampop #synthpop #noisepop #alternative #indierock #postrock #hardcore #coldwave #velvetunderground #stereolab #mybloodyvalentine #slowdive #punk #jesusandmarychain #ringodeathstarr #radiohead #pixies #elephant6 #starflyer59 #cocteautwins #mazzystar #bjm #spiritualized #brianeno #kingcrimson #boyharsher #spiritofthebeehive #alvvays #siouxsieandthebanshees #candyclaws #dinosaurjr #whitefence #sonicyouth
other interests: #guitar #fxpedals #reverb #ufo #frog #lizard #pets #12string #davidlynch #twinpeaks #paranormal #cyberpunk2077 #assassinscreed #metalgear #psychedelics #ketaminetherapy #transrights #lgbtqia #gothstyle
#Introduction #twittermigration #austintx #MutualAid #marxism #antifascist #anticolonial #AntiRacist #shoegaze #postpunk #psychedelia #noiserock #goth #dreampop #synthpop #noisepop #alternative #indierock #postrock #hardcore #coldwave #velvetunderground #stereolab #MyBloodyValentine #slowdive #punk #JesusAndMaryChain #ringodeathstarr #radiohead #pixies #elephant6 #starflyer59 #CocteauTwins #mazzystar #bjm #spiritualized #brianeno #KingCrimson #boyharsher #spiritofthebeehive #alvvays #SiouxsieAndTheBanshees #candyclaws #dinosaurjr #whitefence #SonicYouth #guitar #fxpedals #reverb #ufo #frog #lizard #pets #12string #davidlynch #twinpeaks #paranormal #cyberpunk2077 #assassinscreed #metalgear #psychedelics #ketaminetherapy #transrights #lgbtqia #gothstyle
Y para recordar el final despiadado del pobre Wallace, hemos elegido a una banda de los “Highlands” a modo de homenaje. Los elegidos son #JesusAndMaryChain con el tema #BluesFromAGun. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIOim3J-jpU
#JesusAndMaryChain #BluesFromAGun