Not to be trite, but is your machine actually out of memory? PyCharm / JetBrains' IDE is a memory hog. Running on my (Linux) machine right now, just the main process is occupying >6GB of RAM, and 25GB of vmem.
Apple Silicon Macs default to quite low amounts of memory - usually 8GB. If you didn't spring for at least another 8GB, I would not find it surprising for PyCharm to not be able to run correctly on that machine.
#mem #PyCharm #JetBrains #IDE #java #vmem #rss
L'intégration native de GitLab sur les IDE JetBrains est vraiment décevante. À part voir les merge requests on ne peux pas faire grand chose...
#Jetbrains making an #AI based code completion tool available for their IDEs.... that feels, to me, like it'll upset the whole "AI coding assistant" market in a similar way to IE being bundled with Windows all those years ago.
The #JetBrains #AI assistant is…crazy. I feel a bit like I’m cheating. Then again, is google not also cheating? In a couple of years we might be able to write code in dialogue with your IDE - exciting times.
I can't imagine that the #jetbrains #Rider plugin api changes THAT much between versions yet the plugins seem to freak out every bloody update like they're tied to exact versions.
I pay a few hundred $ a year to program with #JetBrains Integrated Development Environment (IDE) as opposed to the free-to-use Visual Studio Code or the subscription-based Visual Studio. As a pro, if the IDE regularly makes even a tiny addition to my productivity, it's well worth it. It's not easy to be a tool vendor dancing with the bear that is the platform vendor, but JetBrains seems to have mastered it. I hope similar things can be done with #ML "bicycles for the mind."
@simoncropp Worked it out; I just wish it was default in #jetbrains #rider rather than me having to dick around for basics.
Right click menu > Add Action > Main Menu > Build > Active Configuration
Gives you a box similar to VS
Other than via the long menu how do you change to release target etc in the new #jetbrains UI in #rider.
Not really something needed in golang as a builds a build but a tad missed in a .net ide.
Tried using cusomise menu to add but the menu item doesnt match.
Menu > Build > Change Solution Configuration brings up an easy to lose popup rather... select show configuration on toolbar, still cant see it.
Yet making a file readonly is apparently an option I need day to day...
I've never used Rider before, always preferring VS Code or full Visual Studio.
One of the teams I work with swears by Rider on the Mac, so here I go...downloading and installing now. Glad I paid for dotUltimate.
Haven't seen this mentioned in my feed, but I know it's probably old news to others but... JetBrains released the results from the survey of developers for 2022.
#Kotlin #development #Java #javascript #JetBrains #intelliJ #TechTrends #Programming #IPreferKotlinOverPythonButStillWriteALotOfPython #WhyDoILikeStrictTyping #IStillLikePerlThough
#Kotlin #development #java #javascript #JetBrains #intellij #techtrends #programming #ipreferkotlinoverpythonbutstillwritealotofpython #whydoilikestricttyping #istilllikeperlthough
Just realized all of our #dotnet advocates at #JetBrains are on Mastodon now! 👋
@rachelappel @khalidabuhakmeh @matkoch @citizenmatt and myself, @maartenballiauw
@bitbonk @glacasa @bot @maartenballiauw @khalidabuhakmeh @matkoch @citizenmatt @rachelappel here is sample RSS feed for #JetBrains
Sad news that #JetBrains is sunsetting #AppCode. I started using AppCode a few months ago after becoming frustrated with how slow Xcode Swift autocompletion is when working with a larger project. The ViM support is much better than Xcode, with great autoformatting and support for the other languages I use in mobile projects - JavaScript, HTML and CSS. Swift is a complex language to parse and I guess it just isn’t worth the effort needed given that many iOS devs won’t consider a Java IDE.
> Fortunately we were able to distribute folks across the offices we had in Europe, including our largest R&D locations in Amsterdam, Munich, and Berlin.
Sie stellen ja auch gerade wieder ein ...
Ich finde es beeindruckend. #Jetbrains hat nicht nur die Geschäfte in Russland eingestellt, sondern laut eigner Aussage auch 800 Leute da raus geholt.
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Is there any kind of #JetBrains release timeline available? Do they adhere to some cyclical schedule? When can we expect a stable release of Rider 2022.3?
Updating an application from #dotnet 6 to 7 went very smoothly. Required properties allowed me to fix a bunch of nullability warnings. #jetbrains #rider was a great help as always though support is limited to EAP for now.
#dotnet #JetBrains #Rider #dev #csharp
Cool article by Yaohui Wih about how he's using #Wireshark and other tools to reverse-engineer how #JetBrains Gateway (for remote development works. And being in the kitchen myself, he's on point about it all 😎