Images captured from this morning’s and passes, showing a huge system over the UK courtesy of a powerful .

#NOAA19 #NOAA18 #weather #satellite #lowpressure #JetStream

Last updated 2 years ago

A potentially interesting spell of UK is on the way from Sunday as we find ourselves on the north side of the . Intense low pressure interacting with cold air *might* bring a period of to parts of Southern England.

#weather #JetStream #UKSnow

Last updated 2 years ago

Jack Lowe · @jacklowe
484 followers · 581 posts · Server

@aBirdieOnaWire @lsp I’m keeping a keen eye on the and your cold weather is a big story in that respect, which makes it big news for the planet. The weakening means it’s no longer acting like a β€˜fence’ to keep the Arctic air where it should be, so cold air is now spilling down to you and warm air is refilling into the Arctic where there’s currently a relative heatwave. Forgive me if you already know this. πŸ€“

#climatecrisis #JetStream

Last updated 2 years ago


The contrast between extremely cold and 'nearby' warm air across N America continues to help invigorate the N Atlantic


Areas of low pressure continue to be swept towards the UK, some quite energetic..thus plenty more 🌬🌧 in store


Last updated 2 years ago