A friend of my Grandparent had 11 kids and was known for her ability to cut things into equally small pieces for egalitarian distribution. I have to get better at channeling the nice old lady.
To give a chance at tasting the cake to a lot of people the slices have to be thin. Thin slices will fall apart if chunks of apple are thrown on top of half the batter before the last of the batter covers them. It takes more time to layer thin slices of apple but it's a heavy cake.
A friend of my Grandparents had 14 kids and was known for her ability to cut things into equally small pieces for egalitarian distribution. I have to get better at channelling the nice old lady.
To give a chance at tasting the cake to a lot of people the slices have to be thin. Thin slices will fall apart if chunks of apple are thrown on top of half the batter before the last of the batter covers them. It takes more time to layer thin slices of apple but it's a heavy cake.
Wild and Crazy Friday Night. I made two #JewishAppleCake s. We're helping a friend get their big appliance moved to another residence tomorrow morning, and things tend to crop up Saturday afternoons and nights... A nice local guy that runs a tea company and raises a huge, beautiful horse invited us to a gathering of locals on Sunday an I want to make a good impression so.. Cake Baking Time!! Friday Night might be the time to do it, free up Saturday mornings and vacation days for outside work...
> The use of oil instead of butter makes the cake pareve meaning Jewish families who observe Jewish dietary laws can serve it at either meat or dairy meals. ..
> A #JewishAppleCake is a dense cake made with apples. Suspected to have originated in #Poland, this delicious cake was well known in the tri-state area of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware....
> Oil cakes also tend to bake up loftier with..
#pareve #JewishDietaryLaws #Pennsylvania #NewJersey #Delaware
#delaware #newjersey #pennsylvania #jewishdietarylaws #pareve #poland #JewishAppleCake
All ready for tomorrow's potluck gathering.
- https://zotum.net/wiki/bsmall2/DigitalGarden/JewishAppleCakeRecipe1
#JewishAppleCake #Baking #PotLuck #CakeRecipe #AppleCakeRecipe
#applecakerecipe #cakerecipe #potluck #baking #JewishAppleCake
I finally got the #JewishAppleCake recipe up in #Japanese (I hope). There is not time now for written instructions but maybe the photos will work for that, in the meantime.
#Cake #Recipe
#recipe #cake #japanese #JewishAppleCake
Eventually, I have to make a web- or wiki-page, and illustrated recipe for making this #JewishAppleCake in Japan with brown sugar # #砂糖黍 ) from #Okinawa, and #BeetSugar ( #てんさい糖 )from #Hokkaido...
#hokkaido #てんさい糖 #BeetSugar #okinawa #砂糖黍 #JewishAppleCake
Rainy Saturday morning; still a little chilly, so: It's a good time to bake some #JewishAppleCake!
> A Jewish Apple Cake is a dense cake made with apples. Suspected to have originated in Poland, this delicious cake was well known in the tri-state area of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware.
- https://www.askchefdennis.com/jewish-apple-cake/