#dianneabbot doesn’t even just think it, or say it, but actually writes to a newspaper with, a shocking example of #Baddiel’s #JewsDontCount. Rightly suspended.
#dianneabbot #baddiel #JewsDontCount
I have just read #JewsDontCount by @baddiel #DavidBaddiel. A brilliant book - he has vocalised some of the thoughts I’ve had re the left: there is a worrying willingness to dismiss #antisemitism as long as it’s in the cause of anti-capitalism or Palestinian freedom. It’s a challenging, thoughtful, angry read and yet it is also an easy read, a real page-turner. That’s a real feat of authorship, a literary victory.
#JewsDontCount #DavidBaddiel #antisemitism
RT @PaulRich_Actor@twitter.com
Disgusted with these members of my fanbase and any fanbase that uses the Y Word. @Baddiel@twitter.com campaigned years ago about this issue. Not much has changed. Can be heard every Spurs game. Their own fans and rival fans. Any other slur... it would have been stamped out. #jewsdontcount https://twitter.com/vulgadrawings/status/1614941885101150209
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PaulRich_Actor/status/1615283633148895233
RT @jobellerina@twitter.com
This is the epitome of why @Baddiel@twitter.com wrote his book #JewsDontCount saying antisemitism is treated differently than racism/homophobia etc *on the Left*. From the @nusuk@twitter.com report on antisemitism. Falsehoods noted (correctly) in line with the Macpherson Principle, yet Jews disbelieved.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jobellerina/status/1613532726203670528
I've seen and experienced anti-Zionism so much in my life.
I think the Left/Right polarity is insufficient to express my political views, but in my experience, it's been the leftists who have told me to my face that Zionists are unwelcome.
Having worked for a left-wing US political figure in the past, I've felt the most betrayed by the left. This is why i think "Jews Don't Count" is such an important book, as it addresses this issue directly.
I don't doubt your statistics, but the idea of violence is too narrow in such statistics.
As a Jew, I fear physical violence from right wing extremists, but I fear other types of violence from the left, including exclusion from public spaces, gatekeeping from jobs, and invisibility when talking about Jew Hatred.
The extreme right wants to kill us, but for many in the far left #JewsDontCount
Jason Lee has arrived #JewsDontCount #Racism #AntiSemitism #Football #Hair
Check out Kalwinder Singh Dhindsa 🍐's video! #TikTok https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMFQpUF81/
#JewsDontCount #racism #antisemitism #football #hair #tiktok
RT @counterfireorg
David Baddiel’s Channel 4 film focusing on antisemitism and the progressive left promotes a hierarchy of racism that only benefits the right argues Leah Levane http://www.counterfire.org/articles/opinion/23632-do-jews-count #jewsdontcount #davidbaddiel #racism #r4today
#JewsDontCount #DavidBaddiel #racism #r4today
RT @counterfireorg@twitter.com
David Baddiel’s Channel 4 film focusing on antisemitism and the progressive left promotes a hierarchy of racism that only benefits the right argues Leah Levane http://www.counterfire.org/articles/opinion/23632-do-jews-count #jewsdontcount #davidbaddiel #racism #r4today
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/counterfireorg/status/1597148972900323330
#JewsDontCount #DavidBaddiel #racism #r4today
@myownpetard The stats in the article are somehow even more horrifying... They actively want fewer Jews?! Having just watched #JewsDontCount I'm freshly incensed by all of this.
RT @Bolchy@twitter.com
Reading the comments under the #jewsdontcount hashtag underlines everything @Baddiel@twitter.com attempted to explain.
Just watched #DavidBaddiel's #JewsDontCount documentary on #Channel4. Very powerful. I'd read the book before but this was better IMHO. Schooled me on some things. Well worth watching in the next 28 days if you can.
#DavidBaddiel #JewsDontCount #channel4
RT @ClaudiaBoleyn@twitter.com
David Baddiel continuing his antiracism (the pineapple thing finally being recognised as cancellable) by directly targeting a black left wing female MP who receives more racial and sexist hate than most of the others combined. Utterly vicious. #jewsdontcount
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ClaudiaBoleyn/status/1594801723306299393
"Every Jewish School in the country has to do security drills because they are under threat. 6 year olds, 7 year olds, 8 year olds. I saw this and it broke my heart."
My neice has to do the same.
Thank you for highlighting so eloquently what Jews face @Baddiel@twitter.com
Would recommend #JewsDontCount by David Baddiel thoughtful well argued and utterly depressing. No child in the UK should have safety drills in their schools. Just awful
Thoughts on #JewsDontCount - it is a world I’m sadly familiar with. I have been challenging #antisemitism within the communities I live and work for years and to some cost. I found part of the programme irritating and part refreshing. I didn’t need to agree with it all but have been so starved of any discussions in the mainstream of what being #jewish means and feels like in the UK. I don’t want to claim victimhood but nor do I want genocidal racism to be denied
#JewsDontCount #antisemitism #jewish
RT @helensclegel@twitter.com
Someone with a track record of anti-black racism has become an 'expert' on why antisemtism is ignored and why Jews are treated worse than every other ethnic minority. Our media are shameless, irrational and profoundly damaging. #jewsdontcount
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/helensclegel/status/1594978028261613568
RT @MannieQuinn1
Baddiel was right to claim #jewsdontcount.
Naomi Wimborne Idrissi proved it when she was suspended by the Labour Party right after she was democratically elected as a member of the NEC.
Baddiel was totally silent on this, because she's not the kind of Jew he defends.
When Baddiel points out the ongoing existence of #antisemitism and urges people to take it more seriously I have no problem with it. But his argument that other minorities are treated better is divisive and simply wrong. #Racism is not taken seriously across the board. Especially notable was his statement that when Muslims complain about #islamophobia they aren’t asked to justify the behaviour of Islamic countries. Yes they are - all the time. #jewsdontcount
#antisemitism #racism #islamophobia #JewsDontCount