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I've seen the #FavouriteAuthors posts doing the rounds. I have so many more I enjoy reading than listed here but here are just a few of mine:
#Jill Mansell
#BookStadon #Books BookCommunity
#favouriteauthors #MWCraven #Jill #RowanColeman #SteveCavanagh #agathachristie #LinwoodBarclay #GillPaul #EllyGriffiths #JoSpain #MillyJohnson #PatrickGale #HazelGaynor #bookstadon #books
RT @crazybytez
Mensen die totaal geen problemen hadden met homo’s, transseksuelen, of wie dan ook, waaronder ikzelf, beginnen inmiddels echt een zware pleureshekel te krijgen aan al dat gedram en gezever, en aan de mensen die het creëren #transgenderwet
#AppleEve #CyclopsMillichrome #Loki7281 #NeuromancerWintermute #Valentina #TeletraanI #Ghostwheel #MandaraxGokubi #Tokugawa #TheCityofMind #ComPewter #Jane #MasterSystem #FineTillYouCameAlongMinds #TheQuarkII #Abulafia #Arius #Continuity #GWB-666 #LordMargaretLynn #TheTechnoCore #Eagle #LEVIN #Thing #GrandNapoleon #Yggdrasil #Jill #Lingo #Aleph #ArtFish #BlainetheMonoLittleBlainePatricia #CenterSectorCommandandControlUnitAZ12-b14-c000Mk.XIVCenter #TheOversoul #FLORANCE #DavidJonathon #Hex #PrimeIntellect #FIDO #Abraham #Helen #Illustratedprimer #wizard0.2 #Ozymandias #Ordinator #Teleputer #GRUMPY/SLEEPY #ReiToei #Titania #DOCTOR #TRANSLTR #EnginefortheNeutralisingofInformationbytheGenerationofMiasmicAlphabets #Luminous #Logris #Mother #Stormbreaker #Gabriel #Antrax #Omnius #TuringHopper #CCube #LogicMill #Cohen #SentientIntelligence #DeepWinter/EndlessSummer #TheDaemon #Glooper #Sif #MackLoki #Todd #SIG #Archos #Digiwrite #ELOPe #Lobsang #TheRed #Dragon #Solace #TheMANIAC #NOVAC #Interocitor #TheGreatMachine #EMERAC #SuperComputer #SUSIE #Alpha60 #TheBrain #HAL9000 #ColossusGuardian #OMM #TheAriesComputer #DUEL #Bomb20 #Mother #TheTabernacle #Zero #Computer #ProteusIV #MU-TH-R182model2.1terabyteAIMainframe/"Mother"
#mu #ProteusIV #computer #zero #TheTabernacle #Bomb20 #duel #TheAriesComputer #omm #ColossusGuardian #hal9000 #thebrain #Alpha60 #susie #supercomputer #EMERAC #TheGreatMachine #Interocitor #NOVAC #TheMANIAC #Solace #dragon #TheRed #Lobsang #ELOPe #Digiwrite #Archos #sig #todd #MackLoki #sif #Glooper #TheDaemon #DeepWinter #SentientIntelligence #cohen #LogicMill #CCube #TuringHopper #Omnius #Antrax #gabriel #Stormbreaker #mother #Logris #Luminous #EnginefortheNeutralisingofInformationbytheGenerationofMiasmicAlphabets #TRANSLTR #doctor #titania #ReiToei #grumpy #Teleputer #Ordinator #Ozymandias #wizard0 #Illustratedprimer #helen #Abraham #fido #PrimeIntellect #hex #DavidJonathon #florance #TheOversoul #CenterSectorCommandandControlUnitAZ12 #BlainetheMonoLittleBlainePatricia #ArtFish #aleph #Lingo #Jill #yggdrasil #GrandNapoleon #thing #Levin #eagle #TheTechnoCore #LordMargaretLynn #GWB #Continuity #Arius #Abulafia #TheQuarkII #FineTillYouCameAlongMinds #mastersystem #Jane #ComPewter #TheCityofMind #Tokugawa #MandaraxGokubi #Ghostwheel #TeletraanI #Valentina #NeuromancerWintermute #Loki7281 #CyclopsMillichrome #AppleEve