Athenaeum Boekhandel · @athenaeum
402 followers · 154 posts · Server

Vanaf vandaag in onze boekhandels: Jill Lepores New York in brand. Vrijheid, slavernij en samenzwering in achttiende-eeuws Manhattan (vertaling Frank Lekens en Rob Kuitenbrouwer). 20 april komt ze naar De Duif (John Adams Institute). Kom ook, en lees nu vast een fragment!

#geschiedenis #newyork #JillLepore

Last updated 2 years ago

¡Qué raro! · @raro
413 followers · 919 posts · Server

The Failures of the January 6 Report | The Nation

Historian Jill Lepore’s effective critique in The New Yorker is marred by a lazy counternarrative.

#bothsides #centrism #JillLepore #january6threport #uspol

Last updated 2 years ago

Simon Grivet · @SimonGrivet
286 followers · 126 posts · Server

j'alterne entre la biographie de J. Edgar # Hoover par qui vient de sortir...
et les romans d'espionnage drôles et décalés de que j'ai découvert dans le dernier article de dans le

#vendredilecture #BeverlyGage #MickHerron #JillLepore #newyorker

Last updated 2 years ago

Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
2082 followers · 14676 posts · Server

Jill Lepore on the link between WWII Psychological Warfare and Mass Communications

A lot of [psychologists] worked both in the study of voting behaviour in the US and in the study of propaganda in third-world countries trying to prevent them from becomming Communist.
Those things are closely related. They’re both the study of how you get inside someone’s head and change their mind? You have to know what they’re thinking, what you want them to think, and then you have to figure out what message will move them from what they’re thinking now to what you want them to think. This used to be called “psychological warfare”, and after the 2nd World War people were like, we shouldn’t call it that any more, we’ll call it “the study of mass communications”.

-- Jill Lepore, 2020

Audio: (MP3)

Transcription by me, edited lightly for clarity / continuity.

#JillLepore #simulmatics #SimulmaticsCorporation #Psywar #PsychologicalWarfare #MassCommunications #massmedia #adtech #facebook #google #siliconvalley #privacy #surveillance #propaganda #manipulation #monopoly

Last updated 3 years ago