Picking her lowest blow to democracy isn't easy. And here suddenly she donned a Christian necklace (odd since she didn't swear into office on Bible). #unPAC #ReplaceSinema
Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., delivers a floor speech in the U.S. Senate about "bipartisanship" in order to attempt disenfranchisement of already marginalized citizens with #JimCrowFilibuster https://uw-media.azcentral.com/embed/video/6519208001?placement=snow-embed
#JimCrowFilibuster #replacesinema #unpac
@TucsonSentinel Senator #Sinema stood with GOP Leader #McConnell for her sacred financing swamp to kill the bill passed from House which wd've codified Roe. Pro-Choice orgs had already seen her turn against abortion rights in the Senate since 2019. #JimCrowFilibuster #JimCrowSinema
#jimcrowsinema #JimCrowFilibuster #mcconnell #sinema
Senator #Sinema stood with GOP Leader #McConnell for her sacred financing swamp to kill the bill passed from House which wd've codified Roe. Pro-Choice orgs had already seen her turn against abortion rights in the Senate since 2019. #JimCrowFilibuster #JimCrowSinema
#jimcrowsinema #JimCrowFilibuster #mcconnell #sinema
An issue of basic, constitutionally protected freedoms and protection from direct, discriminatory attacks against those freedoms!
#SenatorSinema did the bidding of rich donors and upheld a racist procedural relic to obstruct the #EqualityAct, so if she posts in support of Pride or waves a Rainbow Flag, never forget that she put her bond w #MitchMcConnell's #JimCrowFilibuster above the basic rights of millions of us Americans.
#JimCrowFilibuster #mitchmcconnell #equalityact #senatorsinema
Sinema now campaigning Against Biden for her own reelection bid. McConnell praises her because of course she killed JohnLewisVotingRights AND women's right to choose in favor of #JimCrowFilibuster. Watch for #HarlanCrow funded Sinema's lies in TV ads. #Arizona
#Arizona #harlancrow #JimCrowFilibuster
Can Sinema's big Dark #HarlanCrow & hedgefund & crypto & #BigOil grifts buy her way up from her unpopularity in AZ overall? Sinema helped SuppressTheVote by supporting #JimCrowFilibuster after giving lip service to UnPAC youth VotingRightsProtections Hunger Strikers, and of course her visit to Houston to be feted by grateful FossilFuels execs. Pro-Choice orgs won't endorse Sinema, her record has same effect as Kari Lake's agenda. #AdiosSinema #ReplaceSinema #RubenGallegoForAZ #2024
#rubengallegoforaz #replacesinema #adiossinema #JimCrowFilibuster #bigoil #harlancrow
Not even counting the DarkMoney, #HarlanCrow has given at least $5,800 for Senator Sinema’s reelection campaign and $5,000 to her Getting Stuff Done PAC.
(Insider and Truthout)
"These contributions came in summer and fall of 2021, when Sinema was at the height of her obstruction of Democrats’ reconciliation bill." Remember Sinema's grandstand for #JimCrowFilibuster to kill both #VotingRightsProtections and Women's Health Protection.
#votingrightsprotections #JimCrowFilibuster #harlancrow
@TucsonSentinel Sinema hopes for "bipartisanship" in her White Nationalist #Immigration plan, but when it came to whether women should own their physical lives, last session Kyrsten grifted off her #JimCrowFilibuster promise to her fascist partners in the Senate. Glad she left Dems because she shat on democracy for #NoLabels DarkMoney. Dems support Women's Rights for personal health decisions. With a toothy grin and middle finger, #Sinema made American life 2nd class for girls long term.
#sinema #nolabels #JimCrowFilibuster #immigration
@dustcircle @thedemocrats #Sinema profits off paving the road to fascism (her actual infrastructure). For BIF she led with #Exxon's playbook to BBBitter. Arizona's late beloved former state AG called her Unfit when she pulled off one of her biggest #JimCrowFilibuster grifts grandstanding Against the #JohnLewis #VotingRightsProtections bill a day after being feted in Houston by #FossilFuels execs.
#fossilfuels #votingrightsprotections #JohnLewis #JimCrowFilibuster #exxon #sinema
@TucsonSentinel Pro #JimCrowFilibuster #Sinema causes Americans to lose needed healthcare while at risk of losing their lives for the lies of Federalist Society Christians. Just as she proudly killed #VotingRightsProtections, #KyrstenSinema kept her promise to McConnell and fellow GOP oligarchs in Senate last term to kill codification of Roe. Blood on the hands of an Unfit one-term senator from Arizona.
#kyrstensinema #votingrightsprotections #sinema #JimCrowFilibuster
@DemocracyMattersALot #Dobbs As Arizonan I point out that when she was still grifting with leverage as a D, Senator Sinema supported the GOP #JimCrowFilibuster to squash and kill federal codification of Roe. Kyrsten Sinema allowed Women's Health Protection Act to die as glibly and cheerfully as she did most bills passed by Dems in House last session. #ReplaceSinema 2024 #RubenGallego #azsen #Arizona
#Arizona #azsen #RubenGallego #replacesinema #JimCrowFilibuster #dobbs
@TomWellborn Sinema's grandstand for #JimCrowFilibuster after her celebration w BigOil donors in Houston and also her supportive remarks to UnPAC youth Hunger Strikers for VotingRightsProtections. #jello #AdiósSinema #ReplaceSinema
#replacesinema #adiossinema #jello #JimCrowFilibuster
@khadersyed Senator Sinema had the gall to tell youth #UnPAC Hunger Strikers in 2020 that she was pro-VotingRights shortly before her "bipartisan" grandstand to again uphold #JimCrowFilibuster to kill #VotingRightsProtections. And, she later claims there were no problems in midterms when she knows she helps disenfranchise citizens who are already marginalized. #DemocracyDocket #MarcElias
#marcelias #democracydocket #votingrightsprotections #JimCrowFilibuster #unpac
Chamber of Commerce Queen discusses labor shortages and her fear of migrants. #kyrstensinema never addresses #WhiteNationalism in the ranks and leadership
of ICE and BorderPatrol. Notice how Sinema sluffs off dangers to women's health, and midterm elections that cd've been prevented if she hadn't endorsed #JimCrowFilibuster. Support Ruben Gallego 2024! Sinema is equally dishonest and greedy as Kari Lake. #NoLabels = No Conscience
#nolabels #JimCrowFilibuster #whitenationalism #kyrstensinema
@newsviews #NoLabels prefers Sinema-type. Never Forget Sinema's grandstand for #JimCrowFilibuster. Also her cameo sola standing ovations for Trump. #JimCrowSinema #Sinemanchin #SineMAGA
#sinemaga #sinemanchin #jimcrowsinema #JimCrowFilibuster #nolabels
#FederalistSociety scotus majority, and then #JimCrowFilibuster and state GOPs made this happen. https://www.azmirror.com/2023/02/23/doctors-recount-heart-wrenching-stories-in-new-study-on-medical-care-post-roe/
#JimCrowFilibuster #federalistsociety
Ruben Gallego: You can't be pro-choice and pro-filibuster. It's either/or. You either protect women's rights or you fail. #RubenGallegoForAZ
Sinema Failed and NARAL & EmilysList were burned by her, just like too many of us. #AdiosSinema #AdiósSinema Originalism causes women to die, so does #JimCrowFilibuster
#JimCrowFilibuster #adiossinema #rubengallegoforaz