The latest Fountain Pen First Impressions video is now available for your viewing pleasure.
In this video I take a brief look at the Jinhao x250 fountain pen.
I then fill it with Diamine Chocolate Brown ink and do a brief writing sample.
Join me to see what I think about this pen during my first few minutes of using it.
#fountainpen #penreview #unboxing #firstimpression #firstimpressions #Jinhaopen #Jinhao #Jinhao250 #jinhao250 #Diamineink #DiamineChocolateBrown
#fountainpen #penreview #unboxing #firstimpression #firstimpressions #Jinhaopen #jinhao #jinhao250 #diamineink #diaminechocolatebrown
In this video I take a brief look at the Jinhao x159 Fountain Pen.
I then fill it with Diamine Asa Blue ink and do a brief writing sample.
Join me to see what I think about this pen during my first few minutes of using it.
#fountainPenReview #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #unboxing #firstimpression #firstimpressions #Jinhaopen #Jinhao #jinhao #JinhaoX159 #x159 #X159 #Diamine #Diamineink #DiamineAsaBlue #AsaBlue #asablue
#penreview #unboxing #fountainPenReview #fountainpens #fountainpen #Jinhaopen #JinhaoX159 #diamine #diamineink #DiamineAsaBlue #firstimpressions #jinhao #x159 #AsaBlue #firstimpression
In this video I take a brief look at the Jinhao x159 Fountain Pen.
I then fill it with Diamine Asa Blue ink and do a brief writing sample.
Join me to see what I think about this pen during my first few minutes of using it.
#fountainPenReview #fountainpens #fountainpen #penreview #unboxing #firstimpression #firstimpressions #Jinhaopen #Jinhao #jinhao #JinhaoX159 #x159 #X159 #Diamine #Diamineink #DiamineAsaBlue #AsaBlue #asablue
#penreview #unboxing #fountainPenReview #fountainpens #fountainpen #Jinhaopen #JinhaoX159 #diamine #diamineink #DiamineAsaBlue #firstimpressions #jinhao #x159 #AsaBlue #firstimpression