@KalleWirsch neben #Nextcloud / @nextcloud mit @CollaboraOffice / #CollaboraOffice gibt's noch #OpenXchange...
Ansonsten einfach mal @CCC & co. fragen was die nutzen...
Ansonsten für #Chat nutz' ich #Zulip ( https://zulip.com ) und für #Videocalls #JitsiMeet (gibt unter https://meet.golem.de ne gute instanz) sowie für #Voicechat #Mumble. Letzte beide kann mensch per #SIP auch an #VoIP- und damit #Telefonanlagen / #PBX sowie das Telefonnetz verbinden...
#PBX #telefonanlagen #collaboraoffice #voip #sip #mumble #voicechat #JitsiMeet #videocalls #zulip #Chat #openxchange #NextCloud
The whole #Jitsi situation https://jitsi.org/blog/authentication-on-meet-jit-si/ reminds me of... practically every single decentralised #FOSS software.
Certainly a half-baked solution at best by #JitsiMeet which will push away people who want to have a nice #privacy solution without tieing up external accounts.
But "not recommending Jitsi" is also naive, like not recommending #Mastodon bc mastodon.social stays federated with #Threads". As with #Mastodon, there are alternate Jitsi servers.
Below you'll find some of them:
#threads #Mastodon #Privacy #JitsiMeet #FOSS #Jitsi
This makes no sense:
They say that content is encrypted, but also that they're aware of how the app is being used. Which is it?
@christiansilvermooon +9001%
#Discord is one of the WORST TOOLS EVER since it's #bloated like #Windows, unsearchable like #Slack, full of illegal tracking shit like #MicrosoftTeams and doesn't add any value compared to #IRC or #Zulip + #Mumble or #JitsiMeet.
Espechally if people abuse it for things that it was never good in, like #IssueTracking, #Support, #Documentation etc.
Everyone who even suggests using Discord for that is an ableist asshole who loves #LoginWalls and should be banned!
#loginwalls #Documentation #support #issuetracking #JitsiMeet #mumble #zulip #IRC #MicrosoftTeams #Slack #Windows #bloated #Discord
@dashdsrdash also #Zulip has an actually working #Search and allows organizing stuff - unlike #Slack or #Discord.
It further integrates with #JitsiMeet (and even #BigBlueButton) so if one needs a #voicechat / #videochat or #presentation done, it just works.
#presentation #videochat #voicechat #BigBlueButton #JitsiMeet #Discord #Slack #search #zulip
We've tried encouraging our service users to join our online workshops via #JitsiMeet in the past and faced considerable backlash for using it from these less confident tech users whose introduction to video calls at the start of the pandemic was, sadly, via #Zoom. Hence, we've been using Zoom. Perhaps we can nurture a move towards something like #BigBlueButton for our participants? Would it be smoother? https://go.theregister.com/feed/www.theregister.com/2023/08/15/software_freedom_conservancy_zoom/ #videoConferencing #videoChat #videoMeetings #onlineLearning #BBB
#JitsiMeet #Zoom #BigBlueButton #videoconferencing #videochat #videomeetings #onlineLearning #BBB
@karen The fact that they ain't forced to notify users about ToS changes in a timely manner AND outline the changes is a failing of regulators!
The only winning move is to refuse to use their shitty #SaaS and instead do either #äSelfHosting or choose some #ManagedHoster that does host Alternatives ranging from #BigBlueButton to #JitsiMeet or #NextcloudTalk [which is part of @nextcloud #NextcloudHub]...
#NextcloudHub #nextcloudtalk #JitsiMeet #BigBlueButton #managedhoster #aselfhosting #saas
@legumancer consider #Zulip for #Chat and #BigBlueButton for #Videoconferecing then?
Both are - like #JitsiMeet - available not only as #ManagedService from several providers but also #SelfHosting-capable.
#SelfHosting #ManagedService #JitsiMeet #videoconferecing #BigBlueButton #Chat #zulip
@fuchsiii @Ruhrnalist @Bugspriet was auch schön wäre wenn im Rahmen des #Verbraicherschutz auf Alternativen wie #JitsiMeet hingewiesen wird.
@nixCraft Otherwise one could just choose to #SelfHost i.e. @nextcloud, #JitsiMeet, etc.
@MedievalMideast Definitely https://meet.jit.si / #JitsiMeet since it just works, is #FLOSS, runs on every #HTLM5 #WebBrowser AND you can even #SelfHost it if you want 100% control of your data.
Something that almost all the other solutions won't offer you!
#selfhost #webbrowser #htlm5 #FLOSS #JitsiMeet
@fantafanta vielleicht weil man mit #TVöD E9 keine gescheiten IT'ler*innen bekommt die wissen wie memsch nen #OpenVPn oder gar #WireGuard & #JitsiMeet oder auch nur #WebCall installiert?
#webcall #JitsiMeet #WireGuard #openvpn #tvod
@schratze @julialuna You don't "make your own discord server", you can only try to get your own instance hosted by them, since you can't actually host your own #discord #server yourselves.
If you want something you can #SelfHost, give #Zulip a chance.
If you want #VoiceChat, consider #Mumble.
And if you need #VideoChat, #JitsiMeet will get you covered.
#JitsiMeet #videochat #mumble #voicechat #zulip #selfhost #Server #Discord
#WebCall ist zumindest nen interessanter Ansatz, weils's wie #JitsiMeet ne #WebRTC-Verbindung aufbaut, aber auf #E2EE setzt und direkt Peer-to-Peer läuft, die Server nur für NAT-Punching dienen...
#e2ee #WebRTC #JitsiMeet #webcall
Was ich gern mal sehen würde, wären anonyme Kommunikationszellen mit Schalldämmung und Sichtschutz [Quasi wie nen #Datenklo] wo Mensch anonym per #WebCall & #JitsiMeet oder #Cryptofon & #PocketCrypto kommunizieren kann...
#PocketCrypto #cryptofon #JitsiMeet #webcall #datenklo
@dancinyogi I like the philosophy behind #JitsiMeet. It’s an open and free alternative to those big ones you’ve mentioned.
@hertog yeah...
It also added 0 value to me compared to #ReadTheDocs.io, #IRC, #Mumble, #Zulip & #JitsiMeet...
#JitsiMeet #zulip #mumble #IRC #readthedocs
@technomancy well, it's true....
#Discord is shit and adds no value compared to #IRC, #XMPP, #Mumble, #Zulip, #JitsiMeet and espechally doesn't replace #documentation and #manpages....
#manpages #Documentation #JitsiMeet #zulip #mumble #XMPP #IRC #Discord
@luca #rp23 dafür gibt's ne einfache Lösung:
Aufhören, proprietäre #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider - Lösungen zu nutzen!
Es gibt genug #multiVendor / #MultiProvider + #FLOSS & #SelfHosting - fähige Optionen für die #Kommunikation.
#IRC, #Zulip, #XMPP + #OMEMO, #SIP, #JitsiMeet, #WebCall, #eMail + #PGP/MIME, ...
NIEMENSCH ist gezwungen den Binärabfall der GAFAMs zu nutzen!
#pgp #Email #webcall #JitsiMeet #sip #omemo #XMPP #zulip #IRC #kommunikation #SelfHosting #FLOSS #MultiProvider #multivendor #SingleProvider #singlevendor #rp23