New insight into the day America "snapped." How Joan Didion experienced June 5, 1968, the day Bobby Kennedy was assassinated.
The roots of divided America, 2023, are clear. This is an unlocked gift link.
Tiens ça fait longtemps que je n'ai pas pouet pouet mais comme probablement personne ne verra mon pouet... Je pose ça là quand même (ma PAL) dès fois que ça intéresserait quelqu'un.e. #lecturesdelasemaine et + (pas trouvé le hashtag lectures du mois) #bouquins #mastobookclub (? connais pas celui-là, je vais y jeter un oeil) #mastobooks #mastolivres #litteratureamericaine #bukowski #jimharrison #JoanDidion #breteastonellis 🇺🇸
#lecturesdelasemaine #bouquins #mastobookclub #mastobooks #mastolivres #litteratureamericaine #bukowski #jimharrison #JoanDidion #breteastonellis
"To shift the structure of a sentence alters the meaning of that sentence, as definitely and inflexibly as the position of a camera alters the meaning of the object photographed... The arrangement of the words matters, and the arrangement you want can be found in the picture in your mind... The picture tells you how to arrange the words and the arrangement of the words tells you, or tells me, what's going on in the picture." #JoanDidion
Wir erzählen uns Geschichten, um zu leben.
Heute vor einem Jahr starb Joan Didion. Sie fehlt.
#JoanDidion #wetellourselfstoriestolive
#JoanDidion #wetellourselfstoriestolive
We are taking a break from reading #BlueNights by #JoanDidion.
#bookstodon #book #WhatImReading #JoanDidion #bluenights
We are taking a break from reading #BlueNights by #JoanDidion.
#bookstodon #book #WhatImReading #JoanDidion #bluenights
A beautiful and heartbreaking story about a mysterious portrait of #JoanDidion and the unknown artist who painted it.
I've reviewed a book: 'Joan Didion: The Last Interview and Other Conversations':
#JoanDidion #BookReview #book #interviews #interview #bookwyrm #bookrastinating
#JoanDidion #bookreview #book #interviews #interview #Bookwyrm #Bookrastinating
American Novelist Joan Didion, photographed by Duane Michals
#JoanDidion #BOTD
@pburke46 one of my favorite quotes is "we tell ourselves stories in order to live" thanks #joandidion
What are you reading?
I'm reading #TheYearOfMagicalThinking by #JoanDidion.
My husband died 8 years ago this summer; her words grab me by the heart and turn me inside out. It's a good read, whether you are a widow/er or not.
#JoanDidion #theyearofmagicalthinking
Today's free Rogovoy Report digest links to stories on how #Holland is world's 2nd largest exporter of foodstuffs; how #Ukraine is a showdown against world tyranny; how #Trump is disqualified from running in 2024; how #TaylorSwift should play Tanglewood next summer, and how even the auctioneer can't believe those prices for #JoanDidion stuff.
#holland #ukraine #trump #taylorswift #JoanDidion
Today's free Rogovoy Report digest links to stories on how #Holland is world's 2nd largest exporter of foodstuffs; how #Ukraine is a showdown against world tyranny; how #Trump is disqualified from running in 2024; how #TaylorSwift should play Tanglewood next summer, and how even the auctioneer can't believe those prices for #JoanDidion stuff.
#holland #ukraine #trump #taylorswift #JoanDidion
I’m going to make a series of posts with my interests as hashtags in hopes of finding like-minded people.
Interests 1
#comprhet #teamrhetoric #rhetoric #academiclife #writing #publishing #EnglishLit #englishprofessor #literarynonfiction #nonfiction #philosophy #art #Camus #Kafka #JoanDidion #tanehisicoates
#comprhet #teamrhetoric #rhetoric #academiclife #writing #publishing #EnglishLit #englishprofessor #literarynonfiction #nonfiction #philosophy #art #Camus #Kafka #JoanDidion #tanehisicoates
#UsedBookStores #GuitarShops #TaylorGuitars #FenderGuitars #GibsonGuitars
#FolkMusic, #Broadway #AmericanPopularStandards #Jazz #BluesMusic #RockMusic #PopMusic
#NanciGriffith aficionado
#RosemaryClooney was as cool as her nephew.
#Editor #ProjectManager #Writer #Songwriter #Entreprenuer #Musician
#EudoraWelty #NoraEphron #JoanDidion #MaryOliver #HarperLee
#Curious about everything
#History #Design #Technology #Science #curious #classicmovies #VinylRecords #HarperLee #maryoliver #JoanDidion #noraephron #eudorawelty #Germanshepherds #musician #entreprenuer #songwriter #writer #projectmanager #editor #rosemaryclooney #nancigriffith #popmusic #rockmusic #bluesmusic #Jazz #americanpopularstandards #broadway #folkmusic #gibsonguitars #fenderguitars #taylorguitars #guitarshops #usedbookstores #Introduction
I always imagine a #dutchoven to be ruder than it actually is. #JoanDidion #theguardianuk #estatesale
#dutchoven #JoanDidion #theguardianuk #estatesale
How much will the #JoanDidion tortoiseshell Celine sunglasses go for at auction today?
"She was a writer who hid behind her signature sunglasses, who exuded a certain cool, a sense of remoteness, and had even confessed to a basic indifference to people. And yet now, there in the exhibition, is the table (Lot 26...) where Didion’s husband, John Dunne, 'suffered the fatal heart attack that took his life.'”
Amitava Kumar on Joan Didion and the auctioning off of her belongings:
@albinokid #JamesJoyce #AmyBloom #TCBoyle #JoanDidion #VirginiaWoolf #HarukiMurakami #HilaryMantel Just a few of my favorite authors. Add your own, boost, to find more #readers
#jamesjoyce #amybloom #tcboyle #JoanDidion #virginiawoolf #harukimurakami #hilarymantel #readers
#NYJ, #B&T residing in #Manhattan since 1976, comfortable. #PaulAuster #TerrySouthern #WilliamGaddis #WilliamGoldman #WilliamJames #JamesThurber #AllenToussaint #YoLaTengo #DavidYazbek #TheBandsVisit #HollyCole #Leopoldstadt #JaneBirken #SergeGainsbourg #TheFanMan #OrsonWelles #ErnstLubitsch #PrestonSturges #MichaelTolkin #CharlesKaufman #FrancisCoppola #ComdenandGreen #LeonardBernstein #CharlesPeters #TomWolfe #JoanDidion #NormanMailer #HunterThompson #TerryGilliam #UmaThurman #HedyLamarr
#hedylamarr #UmaThurman #terrygilliam #HunterThompson #NormanMailer #JoanDidion #TomWolfe #CharlesPeters #LeonardBernstein #ComdenandGreen #FrancisCoppola #CharlesKaufman #MichaelTolkin #PrestonSturges #ernstlubitsch #orsonwelles #TheFanMan #SergeGainsbourg #JaneBirken #Leopoldstadt #HollyCole #TheBandsVisit #DavidYazbek #yolatengo #AllenToussaint #JamesThurber #WilliamJames #williamgoldman #WilliamGaddis #TerrySouthern #PaulAuster #manhattan #b #nyj