New post by me and @ratanass for @BL_DigiSchol
Join the British Library's Universal Viewer Product Team
#JobFairy #JobKlaxon #UV #UniversalViewer #IIIF #RSE #UX #product
#jobfairy #JobKlaxon #uv #universalviewer #iiif #rse #ux #product
You know how IIIF and the Universal Viewer are really cool? The British Library is creating a product team to contribute to these communities' work and improve access to digital collections
Product Owner (£35-£39k)
Research Software Engineers (£35-£39k)
Senior Test Engineer (£29-£32k)
#IIIF #UniversalViewer #MuseTech #openGLAM #RSE #JobFairy #JobKlaxon #DH
#iiif #universalviewer #musetech #openglam #rse #jobfairy #JobKlaxon #dh
And another #jobklaxon @UniExeCornwall Lecturer in Colonial/Postcolonial History and/or Environmental History. Exciting role, lovely Penryn, fantastic people. Go for it.
#jobklaxon Senior Lecturer in Environmental Humanities, working with the awesome folks down @UniExeCornwall in lovely lovely Penryn #envhums #envhist people I'd really recommend making the move.
There are a bunch of exciting #DigitalHumanities opportunities at the moment. Check out the list and let us know about any other ones we've missed! #DH #DigitalHumanities #JobAlert #JobKlaxon #CFP
Europeana DEN Academy for digital strategy in cultural heritage
Sussex Humanities Lab is hiring an RSE to work with their #DH folks
Exeter DH is hiring 3 roles: a post-doc and 2 research fellows
#digitalhumanities #dh #JobAlert #JobKlaxon #cfp
Come and work with us, we're lovely! #jobklaxon Maternity cover post (6 months in the first instance), teaching palaeoanth/human evolution and possibly also general bioarchaeology - details here: