JOB: The Getty Research Institute is looking for a Data Analyst!
If you are passionate about art, architecture, and data, this role could be for you. Help shape data infrastructure and work with amazing projects like the Getty Provenance Index and Getty Vocabularies Program.
#ArtData #JobOpportunity #GettyResearch #DigitalArtHistory #DataScience #digitalTransformation
#artdata #JobOpportunity #gettyresearch #DigitalArtHistory #datascience #digitaltransformation
The job advert for our Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship went live today.
This is an opportunity for someone to join the Oldham Local Studies and Archives team, gain an A-level equivalent qualification and experience of working with archives, all while being paid.
#JobOpportunity #ArtsJobs #ArchiveJobs #HeritageJobs #apprenticeship #Oldham #GreaterManchester
#JobOpportunity #ArtsJobs #archivejobs #heritagejobs #apprenticeship #oldham #GreaterManchester
Do you want a key role in #kakapo #conservation? We’re hiring a Senior Ranger! #job #jobopportunity
#kakapo #Conservation #job #JobOpportunity
Are you an experienced professional in financial management with excellent people skills? Ready for a new challenge to be the lead for all financial processes at the Netherlands eScience Center? Then come join our enthusiastic team!
Apply today! Or know someone that might be interested? Please re-share.
#vacancy #job #JobOpportunity #management
We're searching for a brilliant Publishing Assistant to join us
Experience of handling metadata?
Keen attention to detail?
ES, FR or PT to CEFR level A2?
Then, we'd love to hear from you: 🔗
0.6 FTE
£29K pro rata
Apply by 2 June
#MultilingualDH #JobOpportunity
RT @FIWIvienna
Job Alert! 🚨Our team is looking to add a technical assistant to help coordinate our large carnivore genetic monitoring project 🐾🔬
Looking for people with a background in molecular genetics and wildlife monitoring!
More details →
🚨 Job Alert! 🚨Our team is looking to add a technical assistant to help coordinate our large carnivore genetic monitoring project 🐾🔬
Looking for people with a background in molecular genetics and wildlife monitoring!
More details →
#FReDA braucht Verstärkung!
Wir suchen eine Studentische Hilfskraft am @bib_bund in Wiesbaden zur Unterstützung der Forschungsgruppe FReDA des Drittmittel-Projekts „GGP-5D – The Generations and Gender Programme Preparatory Phase Project“.
Der Bewerbungsfrist ist 10. April 2023
Den Link zur Stellenausschreibung findet ihr in unserer Bio!
#Stellenangebot #JobOpportunity #StudentischeHilfskraft #Wiesbaden
#freda #stellenangebot #JobOpportunity #studentischehilfskraft #wiesbaden
RT @thePeerJ
PeerJ is hiring for an experienced Vue.js frontend developer
Learn more
#JobOpportunity #Vuejs #frontenddeveloper #SoftwareEngineering #Vuetify
#JobOpportunity #vuejs #frontenddeveloper #softwareengineering #vuetify
TT job alert(s): We're looking for two new assistant professors in the Department of Ecosystem Science and Management at the University of Northern British Columbia.
#TT #UNBC #TenureTrack #JobOpportunity
Wildland fire ecologist:
Soil scientist:
#TT #UNBC #tenuretrack #JobOpportunity
RT @emlinne
There's still time to apply to join the @UACES team as Events & Membership Officer. Find out more at #jobopportunity #membership #events
#JobOpportunity #membership #events
Für alle Interessierten: Es gibt eine tolle #jobopportunity bei #WIENXTRA im Feld der Kinder- und #Jugendpartizipation im Rahmen der außerschulischen Kinder- und #Jugendarbeit!
👍 Bei der Leitung von #JungesWien, der Koordinationsstelle der Kinder- und #Jugendstrategie, kannst du mithelfen die Stadt @wien zur kinder- und jugendfreundlichsten #Stadt der Welt zu machen!
#JobOpportunity #WIENXTRA #jugendpartizipation #jugendarbeit #JungesWien #Jugendstrategie #stadt
How does vegetation cover affect soil water erosion from sub-plot to landscape scale?
👉Join UMR LISAH on this INRAE position to contribute to the development of #SoilScience and the design of sustainable cultivated landscapes
📍DL 02 March 2023
#soilscience #JobOpportunity #sciencejob #inrae
RT @CatBiogenoma
🧑💻#jobopportunity a the #new Center for #Biology at the University of the Balearic #Islands (Mallorca, Spain)!
📆Application close on 7 February 2023
👇More details
#biodiversity #bioinformatics #genomics #balears #research #postdocjobs
#JobOpportunity #new #biology #islands #biodiversity #bioinformatics #genomics #balears #research #postdocjobs
RT @KjetilTasken
Exciting #jobopportunity as #research and #strategy advisor at the ICR to work with grant applics, larger res. initiatives, EU prjcts & more (6 mnths w poss. ext). Dynamic and interesting environment. Please forward.
#cancerresearch #precisionmedicine
#JobOpportunity #research #strategy #cancerresearch #precisionmedicine
RT @SaraWuitchik
Hey #SciTwitter I'm looking for a teaching assistant (#jobOpportunity) for a #MarineEcology course @BamfieldMSC this summer, preferably with an active SVOP from Transport Canada, for an awesome 6 weeks. DM if you're interested or know someone who would be! #BMSC
#scitwitter #JobOpportunity #marineecology #bmsc
📢 #JobOpportunity Join us at @SciComp_STFC
as a Software Team Lead to work on data management technologies for large-scale scientific facilities at the @RutherfordApLab
- deadline 22nd Jan 2023, details here: #job #jobalert #ResearchSoftware
#JobOpportunity #job #jobalert #researchsoftware
RT @the_prbb
🧫 @UPFbiomed is looking for a new PI in cell biology. Do not miss this great opportunity to join the #PRBBCommunity
#JobOffer #jobopportunity
#prbbcommunity #joboffer #JobOpportunity
A Canadian post-doc #jobopportunity from, an ocean sensor training workshop, and a new paper concerning the effects of #oceanacidificiation on arctic copepods! The first #OA News of the year is ready for you to read!
Read it here:
#JobOpportunity #oceanacidificiation #oa
RT @the_prbb
New year, new #jobopportunity- will you join the #prbbcommunity? 👇👇🏾👇🏿👇🏻 Become a #SoftwareDeveloper at @robertclab #openscience #prbbjobs
#JobOpportunity #prbbcommunity #softwaredeveloper #OpenScience #prbbjobs