Don’t miss THE BIKERIDERS, a masterpiece of American cinema by Jeff Nichols. The film stars Jodie Comer, Austin Butler, #TomHardy and more, and has a 100% score on Rotten Tomatoes. Read our review here: #TheBikeriders #JeffNichols #JodieComer #AustinButler
#AustinButler #JodieComer #JeffNichols #thebikeriders #TomHardy
Just the other day I was wondering what was #JodieComer up to these days...
And here she was:
A tribute to the artists of this year,
For their craft they hold so dear.
Paul, Jodie, and David along with the rest,
Their talent and stories did the Olivier stage bless.
#olivierawards2023 #paulmescal #jodiecomer #davidtennant #ode #poetry
#olivierawards2023 #paulmescal #JodieComer #davidtennant #ode #poetry
#OlivierAwards have clearly been paying attention to my instructions #PaulMescal #AnjanaVasan #Streetcar #JodieComer #PrimaFacie
#olivierawards #paulmescal #anjanavasan #streetcar #JodieComer #PrimaFacie
Pausing #TheLastDuel just as #JodieComer appears. About to check out her brilliant ability to change accents.
Sitting down to watch #TheLastDuel' over lunch. Bound to be good coz it's gort #JodieComer in it. Watch this space.
#新现场NewLive 微博:
当地时间昨晚,本届奥利弗奖通过油管平台宣布了提名情况。索尼娅·弗里德曼的制作公司SFP以《俄克拉荷马!》《杀死一只知更鸟》等4部戏获得17项提名,英国国家剧院以音乐剧《站在天空边缘》《费德拉》《奥赛罗》等6部制作获得16项提名,商业上十分成功的《龙猫》获得了最佳导演、编舞等9项提名, #PaulMescal , #jodiecomer , Caroline Quentin和Rose Ayling-Ellis等首次获得奥利弗提名。整体看来话剧类男女主、最佳复排、舞剧类最佳新作都是竞争十分激烈的奖项。期待4月2日正式颁奖!
#新现场NewLive #paulmescal #JodieComer #theater
#新现场NewLive 微博:
在刚刚过去的WhatsOnStage颁奖典礼后接受采访的啾迪 #jodiecomer 表示,自己下一步最想演一部音乐剧:“这话我已经说了十年了!虽然还不知道是哪一部,但我真的很想演!”她还对《初步举证》的制作人James Bierman表达了赞许之意,希望把这个任务交给他,也非常愿意和SELF ESTEEM二搭。
#新现场NewLive #JodieComer #theater
Like mother, like daughter. 💪💪
#theriseofskywalker #StarWars #miramir #rey #daisyridley #JodieComer
#新现场NewLive 微博:
本年度WhatsOnStage戏剧奖揭晓,值得一提的是本届表演类首次不再分设男、女类别奖项。话剧方面朱迪·科默 #JodieComer 凭借《初步举证》获得最佳演员奖,同时《初步举证》也被授予本年度最佳新剧奖。格温妮丝·凯沃斯(Gwyneth Keyworth)凭借《杀死一只知更鸟》获得最佳配角奖。而最佳复排则授予玛丽安妮艾略特执导复排的Cock。音乐剧方面《龙猫》以九项提名领跑,并获得包括最佳导演在内的五个奖项。Courtney Bowman和Lauren Drew凭借改编音乐剧《律政俏佳人》分别获得最佳表演奖和最佳配角奖。最佳新剧授予《邦尼和克莱德》,《俄克拉荷马!》则获得最佳复排。其他奖项详见: :sys_link:
#新现场NewLive #JodieComer #theater
For technical reasons (much swearing at my tv) I’ve only just got round to watching this. I love it when the hype turns out to be justified.
Go and grab some National Theatre at Home, folks.
#suziemiller #JodieComer #ntathome #theatre #PrimaFaciePlay #PrimaFacie
I just watched #PrimaFacie and WOW! What an amazing tour de force by #JodieComer. One-person plays are tough to pull off but she absolutely nailed it. A fantastic performance taking on difficult issues. Highly recommended. #NTatHome
#ntathome #JodieComer #PrimaFacie
Prima Facie - Broadway:
#JodieComer #PrimaFaciePlay #estreetprods
#JodieComer #PrimaFaciePlay #estreetprods
So where are the #JodieComer #SandraOh #KillingEve #BigSwiss 😍 stans at???
#JodieComer #SandraOh #killingeve #bigswiss
Spent the afternoon watching #Help, the extraordinary #Covid film with #JodieComer and #StephenGraham. It has taken my breath away.
Not an easy watch by any means, but it is both justifiably furious, and deeply human.
#help #covid #JodieComer #StephenGraham
#BroadwayWorld 宽街戏剧新闻:
Re @estreetprods announces #PrimaFaciePlay will be available to stream #NTatHome #JodieComer @NationalTheatre @NTLive
#BroadwayWorld #PrimaFaciePlay #ntathome #JodieComer #theater