A brand new episode of Schumacast is up, where we discuss Joel Schumacher's 1999 neo-noir thriller 8MM https://schumacast.blogspot.com/2023/01/schumacast268mm.html #podcast #film #joelschumacher #niccage #noir
#noir #niccage #JoelSchumacher #Film #Podcast
RT @driverminnie@twitter.com
#JoelSchumacher was the funniest, chicest, most hilarious director I ever worked with. Once,on set,an actress was complaining about me within earshot; how I was dreadfully over the top (I was)Joel barely looked up from his NYT+said “Oh Honey,no one ever paid to see under the top”
Showers in our household will be more somber affairs for a while. #JoelSchumacher #StElmosFire #ThatsMrAssholeToYou
#JoelSchumacher #stelmosfire #ThatsMrAssholeToYou